christopher eccleston, david tennant, doctor who, eighth doctor, eleventh doctor, fifth doctor,, ninth doctor, paul mcgann, peter davison, tenth doctor


This is complicated, because they’re all playing the same character. Except, they’re not, because each Doctor has their own distinct characteristics, and yet, of course it’s the same character. My head hurts.

1. The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)

Matt Smith is my hero. No seriously. My favourite actor, my favourite person. I remember seeing him at the 50th Anniversary Celebration Event, with my friend, and I just lit up. I was so happy. I was also in the presence of Jenna Coleman so that may be why. The Eleventh Doctor is just this happy bundle of clumsiness who can suddenly become the most intense, dark Doctor within 1 minute. I think I can connect with Eleven because I’m also incredibly clumsy, and I have a fez (which has since become the ‘community fez’ in Sixth Form). When Eleven came aboard the TARDIS, I instantly welcomed him with open arms (which can’t be said for Twelve, but that’s a topic for another time). I became obsessed with Eleven, he’s great. Funny, brave, intelligent, clumsy. I’m feeling a Matt Smith appreciation post coming up, maybe a Meryl Streep one as well (I don’t know, I just feel obliged).

2. The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison)

3. The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann)

4. The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)

5. The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) 

Honorary Mentions
Joanna Lumley’s Doctor (Not official)
Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)
Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)
That’s all.
Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me

“come and take that test, hold courage to your chest”


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