amy pond, BBC, captain jack harkness, clara oswald, companion, doctor who, donna noble,, jo grant, leela, martha jones, mel bush, river song, romana, rory williams, rose tyler, tegan jovanka, The Doctor
Hello! As some of you may be aware, Doctor Who is my favourite thing of all time (other than strawberry squash). Have you ever wondered what it would be like to mix up the chronology of Doctor Who and have some current characters crossover with some older ones and vice versa? Today I’ll be looking into that, enjoy!

1. The First Doctor and… Donna Noble

All the sass. IT’S ALL TOO MUCH. Sass implosion. Sassy Doctor and Donna against sassy Dalek Kahn. SASS. The question here is, who’s the Doctor and who’s the companion? Doctor Donna or The Doctor?

2. The Second Doctor and… Mel Bush

The quirky fab ones with an intense side… I mean, Mel Bush was badass as heck. 

3. The Third Doctor and… River Song

Pow pow pow (that’s all I can say because this pairing is so cool and hip and intense)

4. The Fourth Doctor and… Rose Tyler

This is a fan-service pairing, possibly the most popular companion of New-Who paired with the most popular Doctor of all time, on par with Ten and Eleven. Also, this pairing would genuinely be fun to see. Would you like a jelly baby? DOCTORRRRRR.

5. The Fifth Doctor and… Clara Oswald

My favourite Doctor after Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor (I couldn’t really pair Clara with a Doctor she’s actually been a companion of) and my favourite companion. Besides, this pairing would be interesting to see, slightly different characteristics while both being kind and considerate. 

6. The Sixth Doctor and… Martha Jones

One of the harsher Doctor’s paired with the person The Doctor turned into a soldier. Let’s go. Let the badassery destruction begin. (For the greater good of course)

7. The Seventh Doctor and… Captain Jack Harkness

This duo, comedy gold mixed with genuine heroism. Yet, both have a darker side which could be explored brilliantly in the partnership.

8. The Eighth Doctor and… Amy Pond and Rory Williams

The first married couple in the TARDIS with the first ever romantic Doctor. It just works. 

9. The Ninth Doctor and… Tegan Jovanka 

Abrupt and direct, this pairing would be a force to be reckoned with. Just imagine all those speeches and sublime sass.

10. The Tenth Doctor and… Romana (I AND II)

The ultimate time lord and ladies combined for a whole lot of time and saving the world. Huzzah!

11. The Eleventh Doctor and… Ace

Quirky, clumsy and fun with a whole lot of heart. I’m actually desperate for this pairing to happen, PLEASE DOCTOR WHO PLEASSSEEEEEEEE I NEED IT TO HAPPEN.

12. The Twelfth Doctor and… Jo Grant 

Katy Manning’s Jo Grant is my favourite Classic Who companion, and when she reappeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures I was ecstatic.. and then I saw a set of photos from Manning’s visit to the TARDIS after shooting Casualty. 
It looks perfect, right? It actually looks perfect. Imagine Jo Grant adventuring with the Twelfth Doctor and Clara and facing up to Missy, the dynamic from the photo above alone is worthy of screen time. This is something I’d really, really, REALLY, love to see. 

13. The War Doctor and… Leela

Leela is a bad-ass member of a tribe from the future, The War Doctor is, well, it’s in the name. I imagine Leela assisting John Hurt’s Doctor in the time war, destroying the Daleks and ending the time war and (eventually) saving Gallifrey.
That’s all for now, see you soon for a blog post about songs that young people need, songs that are motivating, iconic in teen cult films and songs that were prominent in our childhood. 
Bye for now!


a good man goes to war, clara oswald, doctor who, donna noble, eleventh doctor,, martha jones, partners in crime, river song, tenth doctor, the angels take manhattan, the name of the doctor

Hello there! As you may or may not know, I’m kind of obsessed with Doctor Who. By obsessed, I mean it’s my life. Yeah. These 5 episodes are based on the revived series of Doctor Who (2005-). Hurrah!

1. The Angels Take Manhattan

Amy and Rory feels nope
But you don’t believe statues can move. And you’re right. They can’t. Of course they can’t… when you’re looking.

2. The Name of the Doctor

“Do you hear the whisper men, the whisper men are near, once you hear the whisper men then turn away your ear, do not hear the whsiper men whatever else you do, for once you’ve heard the whisper men they’ll stop… and look at you”

3. Partners In Crime

I have never laughed so much in my life until I saw this episode, I still laugh now. 

“They’re just children. They can’t help where they came from”

4. The Shakespeare Code

“You can change people’s minds, just with words in this place”

5. A Good Man Goes To War

Demons run when a good man goes to war

Night will fall and drown in sun 

When a good man goes to war

Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise 
When a good man goes to war
Demons run but count the cost 
The battles won but the child is lost

Honorary Mentions
The Idiot’s Lantern
The Parting of the Ways
That’s all.
Bye for now.
Geek Culture and Me
“Let’s get lost, drive all night”


amy pond, captain jack harkness, clara oswald, doctor who, donna noble,, jo grant, martha jones, mel bush, melanie bush, river song, rory williams, rose tyler


I’m going to be talking about my favourite Doctor Who companions! Let’s begin!

1. Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman)

Oh but Clara’s the most recent companion. Omg you’re not a true fan.
Shh, Clara is my favourite because she’s head-strong, sassy, smart, and, well, she’s Clara. She’s top notch. You go Clara, you go.Plus, Jenna Coleman’s acting is brilliant, I can’t wait to see what she does post-Doctor Who, Hollywood is calling.

2. Jo Grant (Katy Manning)

My favourite classic companion. Jo was just brilliant. I have no words.

3. Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman)

She’s so underrated, it actually makes me sad. People are still so caught up in Rose Tyler that they completely ignore Martha. One of the best companions, Martha was confident and smart. Resourceful, brave, and empathetic. 

4. Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)

Let’s be real, why wouldn’t Jack be in the top 5?

5. Amy Pond (Karen Gillan)

Feels incoming, in 

6. Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill)

Here’s a reminder of how Amy and Rory left in my favourite ever (and saddest) Doctor Who episode yet, The Angels Take Manhattan

7. Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)


8. Ace (Sophie Aldred)


9. Melanie (Mel) Bush (Bonnie Langford)

Friendly, optimistic, strong, brave and sweet. A completely underrated and pointlessly disliked character who deserves much more recognition and praise, a bit like Martha Jones I must say. 

10. River Song (Alex Kingston)

The Doctor’s Wife, legit, or not, we don’t know. Plot holes. But still, River’s brilliant. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of her in the future, in some shape or form. Alex Kingston is great. Just great. Watching her death in series 4 is even more heartbreaking after watching 5-7. Gosh. 
Honorary Mentions
Ian Chesterton
Susan Foreman
Rose Tyler
That’s all.
Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me