doctor who, downton abbey, glozell,, keeping up appearances, miranda, miranda hart, miranda sings, modern family, new girl, the hunger games, the muppets, unbreakable kimmy schmidt

HELLO! Today’s blog post is a bit of a weird one, I mean… no, seriously, it’s a weird one. I have 5 bizarre crossovers that I’d, kind of, like to see. Don’t judge, just appreciate the artistic integrity of these crossovers.

1. Miranda and The Hunger Games 

Hit BBC sitcom Miranda collides with the world of The Hunger Games, with Miranda finding herself and her friends Stevie, Tilly and Gary, and her mother Penny, in Panem. At the quarter quell reaping, it is announced that anybody of any age can be chosen as the district’s tribute for this year’s Hunger Games. Miranda is mistaken for a man (yet again) and finds herself representing District 12 alongside her best friend Stevie Sutton. How will they survive? Will Miranda become the Mockingjay and lead the rebellion against the Capitol? 

2. Modern Family and Doctor Who

Just imagine Cam Tucker against the Weeping Angels. Just imagine the screams. Haley would be confused as heck, and Phil would be trying to be best friends with the Twelfth Doctor. I feel like this crossover would actually work quite well, with Alex Dunphy and Mitchell Pritchett practically becoming the Doctor’s companions while Gloria, Manny and Cam scream in fear of the Weeping Angels. 

3. The Muppets and Miranda Sings/GloZell

With The Muppets getting their TV series, we’re guaranteed tonnes of guest stars. Now, this isn’t much of a crossover as much as a WE NEED GLOZELL WITH KERMIT AND WE NEED MIRANDA SINGS TO ARGUE WITH MISS PIGGY. Just imagine the sass and all the green.

 I ship them. #KerZell

Miranda Sings VS Miss Piggy fight scene please. 

4. Keeping Up Appearances and Downton Abbey

Imagine Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouqet) finally achieving her goals of being an upper class snob, only to be challenged by Maggie Smith’s Violet. Mind you, Hyacinth wouldn’t need servants, she’s got Richard.

5. New Girl and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Jess and Kimmy, the ultimate weird people. It would essentially be an episode where they try to compete over how bizarre they are, while Cece and Titus go shopping and Schmidt, Nick, Coach and Winston fight over Jacqueline Vorhees.

Was that bizarre enough? 
Check back on September 1st for my August Soundtrack, listing 10 songs I’ve been listening to throughout the month!
Bye for now!


avengers, captain marvel, doctor strange, guardians of the galaxy,, inhumans, jane foster, lady thor, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, phase 4, runaways, scarlet witch, she-hulk, spider-man, spiderman, vision
Hello! So, we’re about to kick off phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: Civil War, featuring a huge amount of characters including, of course, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant Man, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Sharon Carter, and that’s just a few of the characters set to appear in the battle between Captain America and Iron Man because of the superhuman registration act. Following the huge Civil War, we get an array of films, these being Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Spider-Man, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, ending with Inhumans. This all takes place from 2016 to 2019, that’s three years for a huge amount of MCU, which is rather exciting. The big bosses behind Marvel Studios have reportedly already planned out the MCU’s Phase Four and Phase Five, so I’m here to predict Phase Four of the MCU, check back for my Phase Five predictions in September. For a reminder, here’s the MCU so far. 

1. Kicking off Phase Four… Doctor Strange 2

Looking at the first Doctor Strange movie released soon starring Benedict Cumberbatch, it’s set to introduce the MCU into the wonderful world of magic. We’ve had tastes of it before, but it’s ambiguous, with Thor 2 essentially confusing the lines between magic and alien science. I imagine Doctor Strange (1) will be origin, the story arc I’d like to see for Doctor Strange 2 is The Oath, featuring Rosario Dawson’s Night Nurse (Daredevil). This would be a huge way to kick off Phase Four, featuring a hero that I presume will become an instant fan-favourite. 

2. Captain Marvel 2 

The first Captain Marvel film will be a huge blockbuster, being the first female led Marvel movie. This movie would hopefully feature Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan), perhaps even a cameo leading onto Ms Marvel’s appearance in other Marvel movies if she hasn’t appeared prior to Captain Marvel 2. I predict The Enemy Within as the story line, featuring Captain America (Sam Wilson or Bucky Barnes), Black Widow and Spider Woman (Jessica Drew). In fact, it could even be the Civil War of Phase Four (ALL THE CAST MEMBERS). P.s. I predict Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman will be huge parts of phase four, especially the big Avengers film.

3. Runaways

This film would be huge in that it teaches children to be brave and be heroes, Runaways: Pride and Joy is a story about the six children witnessing their evil parents (The Pride) murder a girl in a sacrificial ceremony. It’s basically a super dark children vs parents. A great message. Such fun.  

4. She-Hulk

She-Hulk is a snarky female character that isn’t defined by her sexuality or gender. Heck, she’s a top lawyer, and she’s green. I personally believe Marvel needs to redirect it’s messages and campaigning to include a younger female audience, and a green female superhero lawyer would be a great extension to the work done by Captain Marvel 1 and 2 to appeal to female fans. With all the hysteria about Black Widow’s marketing (or perhaps lack of), following the female led debut of Captain Marvel in Phase Three, I’d like to see a whole lot of feminism in Phase Four. 

5. Spider-Man 2

Ultimate Six? Anybody? It would seem silly for there not to be a sequel in phase four to Spider-Man’s solo film in phase three, considering just how marketable the hero is. Perhaps the most iconic of Marvel. Now, bringing in the story arc of Ultimate Six, and we get Spider-Man, the Avengers, and a few Spider-Man villains like Electro and Green Goblin. Perhaps with some cameos from She-Hulk, Thor (see 7) and a few other heroes, and you get the Ultimate Spider Man movie (hint hint, maybe?).

6. Guardians of the Galaxy 3.0

Expect this to be a definite thing, with the addition of the pre-established Captain Marvel and perhaps either Mantis, Angela, Moondragon or Adam Warlock. I would predict a story resembling War of Kings or Annihilation. Basically, I’m not sure if this is more of a predicted film or one of those “it’s definitely happening but they just haven’t confirmed it”. 

7. Thor 4 (The New Age)

Following the events of Ragnarok in Phase Three, Hemsworth’s Thor will ‘die’ after being killed by Jormungand’s poison. Jane Foster, or perhaps another woman if Natalie Portman doesn’t renew her contract, will pick up the hammer and become Thor. I’m actually really fond of ‘Lady Thor’, she’s a reassuring and appealing counterpart to Odinson, the character is all about finding strength which is admirable and could be portrayed really well in the MCU. The only issue is who would play her, considering it seems Natalie Portman isn’t likely to be returning (except for Ragnarok, potentially). I could see Lady Sif as the most likely candidate, heck even Maria Hill. However, it would be hilarious (and kind of badass) to see Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) weild “myeuh-muh”, I could see any three characters pulling it off. 

8. Vision and The Scarlet Witch

We had hints towards a relationship between the two towards the end of Age of Ultron, while I do predict Scarlet Witch to appear somehow in Doctor Strange, I also believe there will be considerable development of the two in Civil War and Infinity War, however, there is the challenge of The Vision and the ‘mind stone’. However, as we know, Scarlet witch can do a bit of reality warping. Perhaps even bringing back a certain hero who died in Age of Ultron despite the actor’s multi-contract deal??? In the comic books, Vision and Scarlet Witch married and had children (magically, of course), however their relationship ends tragically (on both parts). This film could either pass as a Scarlet Witch or Vision solo movie, taking either one of their names as the title but featuring the relationship to a certain degree, I would also predict the supporting cast to be the likes of Evangeline Lilly as Wasp, Krysten Ritter’s Jessica Jones, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye as well as cameos by Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and more. Basically, this is the Avengers 4 prequel so to speak. However, I could also see other movies taking this spot in the Phase Four timeline, such as The Wasp, Ant Man 2, Black Panther 2 or an introduction movie to a new hero. At the end of this film, I would predict a hint towards both 9 and 10 in the post-credits scene. (HINT SKRULL HINT)

9. Inhumans 2

This would be the perfect lead up to my predicted Avengers 4 movie, which will close Phase Four of the MCU. Inhumans 2 would be an extension of the pre-established Inhumans story both at the hands of it’s film and Agents of SHIELD, but also I would predict it to be a continuation of Guardians 3, especially if they went down the War of Kings route, possibly moving towards Realm of Kings. At the end of the film, I would say that any one member of the Inhumans team is revealed to be a Skrull prisoner, leading into…

10. The Avengers: The Secret Invasion

Oh yes. The Secret Invasion. Throughout Phase Four, hints would be made towards the Skrull, ultimately leading to the fourth (or fifth if you’re counting Infinity War Part 1 and 2 as two and not one). We would discover that heroes we have learnt to love are secretly Skrull. The new avengers team consisting of Captain Marvel, Captain America, Spider Woman, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Vision (maybe), Scarlet Witch (again, maybe), Doctor Strange, alongside the Inhumans and the Guardians (potentially), Lady Thor would pop along and help the Avengers. This film would close four phases of the MCU, leading into a completely fresh style of MCU movies in Phase Five, with the movies I have predicted possibly getting sequels but introducing more solo movies. 

The front runners of MCU’s Phase Four

That’s all for now, check back in September for my Phase Five predictions, meanwhile on the 26th August I’ll be uploading a list of some bizarre crossovers we all secretly want to see. 
Thanks for reading!

Doctor Who Themed Cupcakes

bake, clara oswald, doctor who, fail, great british bake off,, jenna coleman, peter capaldi, recipe
Excuse the buttercream, I feel I had to open with that because the buttercream went considerably wrong, it still tastes good though and the colour is rather fun. Basically, THE GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF IS BACK WAHEYYY. I thought, being a fan of both Doctor Who and The Great British Bake Off, I’d connect the two and make some time vortex themed cupcakes, below I will include the recipe as well as 5 easy steps. Enjoy my bizarre attempt at geek baking.

  • Caster sugar 55g
  • Icing sugar 55g
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 60ml water
  • Baking powder
  • Food colour gel paste
  • 55g softened butter x2
  • Food colouring
  • Edible glitter
  • 55g plain flour
  • 1 medium sized egg
  • Edible gold stars
  • 6 cupcake cases
  • Pinch of salt

Cupcake recipe

  • Preheat the oven to 180°/350F/Gas 4
  • Place your 6 cupcake cases in the muffin tray
  • Put the butter and sugar into a bowl and  beat until it’s pale 
  • Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the bowl, then beat the eggs and vanilla until it’s all combined. Add the food colouring and gel paste to create the time vortex look, and then spoon into the 6 cupcake cases. 
  • Bake for 18-20 minutes until the outside has risen and is firm, but also golden on the outside. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes then transfer the 6 cupcakes onto a wire rack to cool more. 

Buttercream recipe

  • Beat 55g butter until soft, then beat in 55g icing sugar in, a tablespoon at a time. Add the coloured gel paste used in the mix for the darker tones and mix until it’s an appropriate consistency and the fitting colour, depending on the colour theme you have chosen.
  • Pipe onto the cupcakes once they are cooled, and sprinkle the edible glitter over the top of the buttercream in a circular rotation to add bright spirals around the buttercream. Add a small pinch of the glitter to the very top of the buttercream, creating a shiny point at the top.
  • Take a few of the edible stars and sprinkle them onto the cupcake, following the glittered spirals. Take some more of the edible stars and place them randomly and loosely in small clusters. 
  • EAT

1. Get your ingredients ready

2. Mix that ‘ish

Basically, yeah. Mix it all up. Add a tiny bit of vanilla essence for flavour. 

3. Colour it up

Use one food colouring AND gel for two different consistencies, the gel should be used for the darker effect, the food colouring used for the lighter effect. Don’t mix it fully, leave it to a loose mix to create streaks within the mix, this will create the time vortex look in the bake. Here I used green for lighter and navy blue for darker, use any colour combination to create a time vortex/space effect inside the cake as seen below, I would also recommend yellow/red, pink/purple, red/blue.

4. Conjure up the buttercream

5. Decorate the cakes

I initially used gold edible glitter, however the consistency was too heavy and the colour wasn’t fitting, so I used silver/white edible glitter instead and ‘sprinkled’ it over the cupcake, adding edible gold stars on. On reflection, I wish the buttercream were much darker and a thicker consistency in order to really enhance the whole ‘space’ feel to it.

I’m sure these are cakes the Twelfth Doctor and Clara would happily eat (and maybe spit out). I’m not too sure about Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood though. 
Check out my good friend Sparkleeyes101’s bake for GBBO here, which are considerably better than my failed attempt!
That’s all for now…

P.S. Make sure to check back on the 22nd for my Marvel Phase 4 Predictions. What happens after the Infinity War and we’re introduced to the Inhumans? Which superheroes do I predict will debut, get their sequels, and what will be the big Avengers story of the MCU’s Phase Four?

Ranking The Pixar Movies

a bugs life, brave, cars, disney, finding nemo,, inside out, monsters inc, monsters university, pixar, ratatouille, the incredibles, toy story, wall-e
Hello! Pixar movies are a huge part of so many people’s childhoods, and bring something fresh to the world of Disney. 
However, there are some Pixar movies that are considerably better than other Pixar movies (sorry). Here’s my ranking of the 15 Pixar movies, from 15 to 1, including the newly released Inside Out. 

15. Cars 2

I actually liked Cars, the first movie, yet Cars 2 seemed a bit unnecessarily OTT. So much happens that instead of being interested in the film, I found myself wandering off and doing my homework instead (I know, 2011-me was super cool). 

14. A Bug’s Life

The thing about this film is that it really just doesn’t stand out much, fair enough as a child it was a pretty cool movie, but now that I’m older it really doesn’t appeal. Maybe it’s because I despise bugs. Perhaps. However, Heimlich is my fave. Reminds me of myself, all those lumps. “Francis leave them alone. They are poo poo heads”

13. Monsters University

It’s actually a fairly decent movie, it just wasn’t as brilliant as the 13 others? I loved the ‘development’ on Mike, but Sully, or in this movie, James P Sullivan, came across as a total d-bag. I loved the humour, but it just didn’t hit the right marks like the other Pixar movies. 

12. Cars

From 12 – 1, it’s all difficult choices because I actually really like them all. However, while Cars was a childhood favourite of mine, on reflection it’s not as iconic as I presumed. I must admit though, I love the concept and I loved the whole Route 66 thing. GG Pixar, GG. 

11. Ratatouille

Ratatouille is actually kind of gross, in a cute kind of way. Imagine having your food prepared by a rat. Oh heck no. I loved the whole atmosphere of this film though, and Remy is one of my favourite Pixar characters. 

10. Toy Story 2 

THE TOY STORY FRANCHISE IS AMAZING. However, Toy Story 2 had a tough act to follow considering how huge the first Toy Story movie was. It did well though, and it introduced us all to Jessie and Bullseye, who I find superb. 

9. Toy Story

I’m sure for others this would be ranked much higher, however this came out two years before I was even born. The story itself is touching, and the whole Toy Story franchise itself played on the relatively spooky idea of what happens to our toys when we’re not playing with them. Still, Woody is my favourite Pixar character, and possibly one of my favourite Disney characters. Heck, I even have his costume (which I have actually worn… for Rag Week and family parties I swear) and his fairly rare Pop Vinyl. I vividly remember my Sheriff Woody toy I had as a child, it was my favourite thing and then I lost the hat and my world was destroyed. Life was hard as a child. 

8. Brave

I’m really fond of Brave. The film opened my eyes to the wonderful world of media, and is one of the films that has spurred me on in my journey of creating my own films and TV shows. The thing about this film is that it’s the first Disney Princess who doesn’t get married and is frightfully against the concept of being a Disney Princess, even though, well, Merida is indeed a Disney Princess. It crossed boundaries and broke tradition, which is why it’s so iconic.

7. Toy Story 3

Goodness me, this film broke me. It was initially planned to be the final goodbye to the lovable toys before Toy Story 4 was confirmed to be released in 2017. However, it was the toys who were in fact saying goodbye to their owner, Andy. The scene when they’re all in the furnace and they’re holding hands face to face with death. OH THE FEELS. Lotso though, oh heck no such a nasty bear. 

6. Inside Out

This film gives children a chance to understand the complexity of their emotions, fitting for children and adults alike. It’s feel good, emotional and crosses boundaries to tell a brilliant story. All the characters are lovable in their own ways, and the partnership of Joy and Sadness is one that is fresh and simply to see in a Pixar movie. 

5. The Incredibles

WHERE’S MY SUPERSUIT? This film is iconic, and actually fits in just as well with the DC films and Marvel films. The long-awaited sequel is coming and I could not be more excited (other than Finding Dory, that’s going to be a big one). The family dynamic (with extra Frozone and Edna Mode) is really fun, and the film is essentially a parody of superhero films, but better. Mr Incredible reportedly is similar to Hulk and The Thing, ElastiGirl is most definitely similar to Mr Fantastic, Violet bears resemblance to the Invisible Woman, Dash is similar to The Flash/Quicksilver, and Jack Jack is mostly similar to Human Torch but culminates a huge amount of superheroes to prove how young people and unlimited opportunites.

4. Monsters Inc

This. Film. Was. My. Childhood. I would watch this film more than twice a week, I love the pairing of Sully and Mike, Boo is hilariously adorable, the supporting cast are brilliant. It’s simply a good film. Randall, the villain, actually terrified me as a child, and Roz reminds me of many teachers I have been taught by during my years at school. In fact, for a film about monsters, it’s actually quite relatable.

3. Wall-E

This film is emotional, fun and inspiring. Wall-e, the main character, a rusty little robot, and Eve, a badass, surprisingly clean, robot, fall in love and save the world. The cinematography of this film itself is a huge reason why it ranks so high, the scenery of Earth and the visuals of space are incredibly admirable. 

2. UP

Goodness me this film is a tear-jerker. The opening 10 minutes itself features the introduction, marriage, and death of ONE couple, leaving old Carl alone longing to fulfill Ellie’s dreams. Put lovable Russell in the mix, and a flying house with balloons as well as a talking dog, and you get UP. This film challenges conventions, and spurs on the realistic factor of dreams and ambitions to truly appeal to children and adults alike. 

1. Finding Nemo

Here is why I think Finding Nemo is the best Pixar film of all time (so far); Ellen Degeneres as Dory is brilliant, the tank gang provide a fresh look at ‘fish’, the journey of Marlin and Dory finding Nemo is inspiring and heart-warming. The film itself is all about identity, with Marlin’s journey ultimately telling the story of letting your children do their own thing, allowing Nemo to have independence and develop his own identity. This is an important message for adults, and a fun story for children. Finding Dory is set to release in the next year or so, and is set to tell the story of Dory discovering herself and reconnecting with her lost family, thus we can assume that the sequel will indeed be a tear-jerker and fun film with a truthful and important message for everyone to read.
Thanks for reading, how would you rank the Pixar films? Let me know in the comments, or tweet me @TotallyCulture
Bye for now, check back on 17th August for a slightly different post, in honour of The Great British Bake Off.


amy pond, BBC, captain jack harkness, clara oswald, companion, doctor who, donna noble,, jo grant, leela, martha jones, mel bush, river song, romana, rory williams, rose tyler, tegan jovanka, The Doctor
Hello! As some of you may be aware, Doctor Who is my favourite thing of all time (other than strawberry squash). Have you ever wondered what it would be like to mix up the chronology of Doctor Who and have some current characters crossover with some older ones and vice versa? Today I’ll be looking into that, enjoy!

1. The First Doctor and… Donna Noble

All the sass. IT’S ALL TOO MUCH. Sass implosion. Sassy Doctor and Donna against sassy Dalek Kahn. SASS. The question here is, who’s the Doctor and who’s the companion? Doctor Donna or The Doctor?

2. The Second Doctor and… Mel Bush

The quirky fab ones with an intense side… I mean, Mel Bush was badass as heck. 

3. The Third Doctor and… River Song

Pow pow pow (that’s all I can say because this pairing is so cool and hip and intense)

4. The Fourth Doctor and… Rose Tyler

This is a fan-service pairing, possibly the most popular companion of New-Who paired with the most popular Doctor of all time, on par with Ten and Eleven. Also, this pairing would genuinely be fun to see. Would you like a jelly baby? DOCTORRRRRR.

5. The Fifth Doctor and… Clara Oswald

My favourite Doctor after Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor (I couldn’t really pair Clara with a Doctor she’s actually been a companion of) and my favourite companion. Besides, this pairing would be interesting to see, slightly different characteristics while both being kind and considerate. 

6. The Sixth Doctor and… Martha Jones

One of the harsher Doctor’s paired with the person The Doctor turned into a soldier. Let’s go. Let the badassery destruction begin. (For the greater good of course)

7. The Seventh Doctor and… Captain Jack Harkness

This duo, comedy gold mixed with genuine heroism. Yet, both have a darker side which could be explored brilliantly in the partnership.

8. The Eighth Doctor and… Amy Pond and Rory Williams

The first married couple in the TARDIS with the first ever romantic Doctor. It just works. 

9. The Ninth Doctor and… Tegan Jovanka 

Abrupt and direct, this pairing would be a force to be reckoned with. Just imagine all those speeches and sublime sass.

10. The Tenth Doctor and… Romana (I AND II)

The ultimate time lord and ladies combined for a whole lot of time and saving the world. Huzzah!

11. The Eleventh Doctor and… Ace

Quirky, clumsy and fun with a whole lot of heart. I’m actually desperate for this pairing to happen, PLEASE DOCTOR WHO PLEASSSEEEEEEEE I NEED IT TO HAPPEN.

12. The Twelfth Doctor and… Jo Grant 

Katy Manning’s Jo Grant is my favourite Classic Who companion, and when she reappeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures I was ecstatic.. and then I saw a set of photos from Manning’s visit to the TARDIS after shooting Casualty. 
It looks perfect, right? It actually looks perfect. Imagine Jo Grant adventuring with the Twelfth Doctor and Clara and facing up to Missy, the dynamic from the photo above alone is worthy of screen time. This is something I’d really, really, REALLY, love to see. 

13. The War Doctor and… Leela

Leela is a bad-ass member of a tribe from the future, The War Doctor is, well, it’s in the name. I imagine Leela assisting John Hurt’s Doctor in the time war, destroying the Daleks and ending the time war and (eventually) saving Gallifrey.
That’s all for now, see you soon for a blog post about songs that young people need, songs that are motivating, iconic in teen cult films and songs that were prominent in our childhood. 
Bye for now!

My July Soundtrack

catey shaw, ella henderson, florence + the machine, foxes, galantis,, jack garratt, kyko, music, playlist, sigma, soundtrack, troye sivan, years and years, zedd

Hello! Happy August! This post is a monthly feature on this blog, where I list 10 songs (and a few honorary ones) that I’ve been obsessed with the past month. Now that it’s August, and the summer is here, I feel like this month is going to be good, I’m seeing a bunch of my friends this month for the last time before they all head off to University and I start my gap year (which so far has consisted of binge watching Arrow, Shrek, Harry Potter and Modern Family). Anyway, let’s get started, July was a fairly ‘chill’ month, with a few parties in between including MY 18TH which was a tonne of fun. The music for July is fairly similar, with a relative ‘summer’ feel, but a bit more subdued, especially towards the end of July where it’s just been raining non-stop.

1.Weathered – Jack Garratt

2. Gold Dust – Galantis

3. Glitterball – Sigma feat. Ella Henderson

4. Delilah – Florence + The Machine

5. Gold – Years & Years

6. Body Talk – Foxes

7. Revolution – Catey Shaw

8. Papercut – Zedd feat. Troye Sivan

9. Hideaway – KYKO

10. Tonight – Chasing Grace

Honorary Mentions

Running Wild – Prides
I Want To Love – Years & Years
Wings (Acoustic) – Birdy
The Hills – The Weeknd

These songs are great, they’re either feel good or thought provoking, yet they’re both fulfilling at the same time.

See you next time for a Doctor Who post!

