My Monthly Soundtrack 2.0: January

Alessia Cara, birdy, Coasts, Day Wave, Dua Lipa,, Jarbird, King Charles, låpsley, Lovespeake, Maty Noyes, soundtrack
It’s a new year, and a new set of monthly soundtracks.

1. Be The One – Dua Lipa

I love the youthful ‘vibes’ I’m getting from this song. It’s fun and loving, a really unique take on modern pop music and definitely worth your time.

2. You – Coasts

I’ve been a fan of Coasts for a while, I pre-ordered their album on vinyl as soon as I could. I then heard You on Radio 1 and enjoyed the nostalgic and confessional, yet upbeat, sound. I then got a lovely voicemail from Ben, a member of Coasts, and received the album with a handwritten lyric sheet for Tonight, which is one of my favourite Coasts songs. The album is totally worth checking out and You is an excellent example of how great it is. 

3. Love Is Blind – Låpsley

I’m obsessed with Låpsley, after first hearing Hurt Me a while ago I’ve been waiting for a song to hit me like Love Is Blind has. It’s atmosphere and general sound is so soft and gentle, I can’t stop listening to it.

4. DNA – Lovespeake

I love Lovespeake’s sound, it’s so fresh and nostalgic. DNA is a well-balanced song with, to put it simply, happy vibes. It genuinely makes me feel happy when listening to it. 

5. Gone – Day Wave

Summertime roadtrip vibes, anyone? I mean, sure, it’s January, but Gone makes me very excited for Summer (even though I have nothing exciting planned). It’s a nice and easy listen, simply a great piece of music. 

6. Here – Alessia Cara

The ultimate introvert song, I can relate to this song very much. Although, I guess some would say I’m an ‘ambivert’ (?) I love the Alessia’s sound, it’s very inviting and intriguing. 

7. Stay – Kygo

Kygo’s music always bring me out of reality whenever I listen to it, making me feel euphoric and ‘free’, Maty Noyes’ vocals really compliment this track also, such an intriguing voice!

8. Such is the House – Jarbird

I’m new to this sound but I’m really feeling it. It’s a unique and atmospheric sound that’s actually quite infectious and endearing. The vocals, also, ‘on point’ as the kids would say. 

9. Keeping Your Head Up – Birdy

Is anyone else really digging the new Birdy sound? Kind of getting Foxes and Florence sounds from this but Birdy completely rocks this new style. The chorus is so darn catchy and it’s a nice departure from the typical Birdy ballads.

10. Choke – King Charles

I was super fond of the Mumford vibes I got from this when I first heard it so I wasn’t at all surprised when I found out that King Charles’s album Game For A Rose was produced by none other than Marcus Mumford. It’s a super nice song to listen to!
Thanks for reading!

Book Update 2: Musical Motivation

Book,, The Rising of The Elements

So, when I write I tend to listen to a variety of different music, which all help with creating different tones in the book’s narrative. I thought I’d list out some songs/albums that I find motivate me. 
Also, read Book Update 1 for an explanation on why Countdown by Beyoncé helps me when writing death scenes, as morbid as it sounds. 

  1. Matangi – M.I.A: I’ve listened to this album a lot while writing TROTE, especially during chapter 2 and 4 which are pretty abstract and bizarre in what happens (I shan’t spoil it but I’ll give one word – dreams). 
  2. Good Morning – Amber Run: This song is the inspiration behind a lot of the ‘happy’ parts of the book, it feels so youthful and free that it resonates with the ultimate motive for the protagonist. 
  3. Countdown – Beyoncé: This song is one I listened to while writing death scenes because it helped me ‘speed the death up’, I couldn’t have prolonged death scenes because the action is so fast-paced.
  4. Coming Home – Sigma: This song I’ve listened to when writing the final few pages, the story takes a refreshing turn in the ending and isn’t too morbid despite what’s happened in previous pages. The protagonist is ‘coming home’ to whatever it is that’s waiting for him (can’t mention what exactly this is because of spoilers).
  5. Army – Ellie Goulding: The ‘battle’ in TROTE is fueled, on the Uprisers part, by strength and unity, the antagonists side being fueled by power and jealousy. Army motivates me when writing scenes of conflict by helping me remember the reason behind why Isaac, the protagonist, is doing what he’s doing.
  6. Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) – Andrea Bocelli: This is a bizarre contradiction of no. 3, this song stood out to me when writing two particular deaths that are extremely moving which I do ‘drag out’ through the book. The deaths embody hope and courage, but also sadness which is alluded to and a major plot point later on. 
  7. Lykke Li: I’ve listened to a lot of Lykke Li while writing, her music is powerful yet tender and was a good source of motivation and inspiration for a particular character in this book.
  8. That Black Bat Licorice – Jack White: Angsty and energetic, this song was listened to A LOT during chapter 5 and 6. 
I fear I can’t say a lot because I know of a few people who are looking forward to read it and I want them to go in ‘blind’, as ridiculous as that sounds, I know.
Thanks for reading!

Suicide Squad Trailer Highlights

batman, harley quinn,, jared leto, joker, margot robbie, suicide squad

The new Suicide Squad trailer is out! My most anticipated movie of 2016 and it looks AMAZING! 

Here are 11 highlights from the brand new Suicide Squad trailer, along with the brand new posters released this week.

1. Harley sips her tea

While Cap. Boomerang rages in the distance in his cell, Harley Quinn sips a petite cup of tea as if she’s just completely sassed out some guards Kermit the Frog style.

2. Boomerang breaks free

Jai Courtney’s (Captain) Boomerang was a surprise highlight in this trailer, and in true Aussie fashion (sorry) he breaks out and just… punches a few people in a truly awesome and comedic manner.

3. Harley’s voices

What else is there to say? Crazy Harley in full force.

4. Action!

Finally, we get some badass action!

5. Joker in full force

Looking as original and maniacal as ever, The Joker looks to be the villain in the film. 

6. Enchantress has some fun

“Let’s do something fun” Enchantress says to what appears to be Amanda Waller. Enchantress actually looks pretty impressive and badass. Boomerang’s expression is what makes this. This looks like a scene where Enchantress finally gets recruited into the Squad, perhaps being a secondary antagonist before the finale.

7. Boomerang has a drink

Boomerang is me whenever there’s ‘beef’ at a social gathering. Just have a drink and hide.

8. More action!

Katana, Harley and a rogue helicopter. What more could you ask for?

9. Diablo lets loose 

I wasn’t really too bothered about Diablo but this instantly changed my mind. 

10. Joker creates Harley

Harley Quinn origin story, anyone?

11. Harley steals a purse

In typical Harley fashion, “we’re bad guys, it’s what we do”. 
Captain Boomerang, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Katana and Joker character posters.
The newly-released Suicide Squad poster.

Rick Flag, Deadshot, El Diablo, Slipknot, and Killer Croc character posters.

Full cast poster.

How many people are going to whine about Harley Quinn not having her traditional accent or animated series costume before they realise that an over-exaggerated Brooklyn accent and a ‘harlequin costume’ wouldn’t work AT ALL in a live-action movie?

Book Update 1

Book,, The Rising of The Elements

Hello! If you weren’t aware, I’m writing a book. I often get asked by a number of people about the book, so I’ve decided to start a ‘book update’ series on my blog until it’s published. It’ll motivate me and keep anyone who wants to know updated. If you’d like to read all the updates I’ll be adding them to this page as I continue to post them.

Water, Air, Fire, Earth, the four elements that plague a dystopian Great Britain. From the age of 17 a teenager is required to battle an element, those who survive are returned to civilization, and those that fall to the element are taken to a reclusive community, but who’s better off? Isaac Williams and his friends must overcome their fears and doubts to lead a revolt against Deatra Allstrong in a mission to bring back the elemental powers and end Deatra’s reign of terror over the quarter.

Who will survive the battle of the elements?

So, obviously, I’m currently still in the writing process, currently in the build up to the ‘finale’ of the story. I’ve worked in a particularly bizarre way in that I’ve already written the final few pages which will resolve a few plot points and twists that are introduced throughout the book and then working back to weave in these plot points and hints to twists as I write.

Also, I’ve found it strangely hard to write a dedication. While I do have one written now, I struggled with how personal it was and how I should commemorate people who have supported with me. I actually had this following dedication written and saved for a few days.

I thought I’d tell you some things about the book
  1. Whenever I’m approaching/writing a character death (the story has quite a few deaths because of the danger and threat which you’ll see if you read it, in fact *spoilers* there are two deaths within the opening pages), I tend to listen to ‘Countdown’ by Beyoncé, which is pretty strange I must admit. You wouldn’t think that such energetic music would compliment writing a death scene, but I’ve found that it helps me speed the writing process up, especially as I’m not too fond of every character having a death scene that takes up so many pages, In the context of the story, which you can get a glimpse of in the synopsis/blurb above, most of the deaths hit from the middle of the book and onwards to the end, and these deaths are mostly in fast paced scenarios. I must admit, however, that a very small amount of deaths (I would say 2) are dragged out because they have such a major impact on the story.
  2. As I continue to write the story, I’ve noticed that Isaac Williams, the protagonist and first-person narrator, develops in immaturity which I, even though I’m the one writing is, find really strange. The book starts off abruptly and pessimistic and as the story gets darker, Isaac becomes a lot less serious as a team develops around him (including Darcy Cassano, who’s a particular favourite of mine). I’ve shown this in a way where the words the reader reads become a lot more inviting and colloquial, whereas Isaac at the start is very straight-foward and has a ‘everybody sucks and I hate the elite’ viewpoint. 
  3. There’s a tonne of social and political commentary in the first few chapters and the final few chapters. I have to admit a stream of consciousness took over for a while. 
I thought I’d leave you, if anyone is still reading, with some character notes. These following four characters are the ‘core’ group of New Uprisers (attempting to overthrow Deatra Allstrong who is the antagonist of the book). 
Isaac Williams: (Element redacted for plot reasons) DOB: 20th July 2040 Age: 17/18
Darcy Cassano: Fire Age: 18
Warren Potes: Earth Age: 19
Jenna Sutherland: Air DOB: 20thJuly 2241 Age: 17/18

Here are some small, unspoilery notes on the two main buildings of the Uprising Quarter (where the Uprisers and New Uprisers are located):
Elemental Centre = operations and conduct, Reformation Building = planning, deformulation, meetings, experiments and general events. The Elemental Centre has a secret underground tunnel (dark and damp) that leads to the Uprising Station, to access this a leader of the Uprisers has to access a door on the bottom floor that leads to a spiral staircase which goes straight to the tunnel.

And finally, here’s a paragraph I’m fond of from a character called Clark Liu, one of the Uprising leaders. Spoilers, if, you know… you care about spoilers.

“When we are born, we develop the elemental gene. This allows us to obtain the elemental powers, which stays dormant until the elemental fight which triggers at least one of the elements to develop further and give us the powers. This gene arose as a result of genetic mutation caused by the use of nuclear weaponry in the war of 2039. Now, so many years later, we use this gene to rebel against those who inflicted this on us. The innocents against the perpetrators, history repeating itself.”
– Clark Liu

Thanks for reading! 

Avengers: Infinity War Character Predictions

avengers, Infinity War, marvel, marvel cinematic universe
With a rumoured 67 characters planned, Avengers Infinity War seems to be one of the biggest movie events of all time. But, who’s going to appear? Here are my predictions?

Of course, not all of these characters will appear. 67 major characters can’t be made up of pre-established characters, we’ll indeed have new characters we aren’t yet aware of who will play key roles in Phase Three. But for now, lets try and get a general idea of who can appear, as well as some characters who we could get easter eggs or cameos for, because not all the characters will get a tonne of screen-time. I can’t explain each characters reasonings because it would take forever to explain but these following 67 characters are characters who I reckon have a chance at appearing.
The Original Avengers

1.       Iron Man
2.       Hawkeye
3.       Captain America
4.       Black Widow
5.       Thor
6.       Hulk/Bruce Banner

The New Avengers

7.       Scarlet Witch
8.       The Vision
9.       Captain Marvel
10.   Black Panther
11.   Spider Man
12.   Doctor Strange
13.   Ant Man
14.   Wasp
15.   War Machine
16.   Falcon

Guardians of the Galaxy

17.   Groot
18.   Star Lord
19.   Gamora
20.   Drax
21.   Rocket Raccoon
22.   Mantis


23.   Loki
24.   Nebula
25.   Thanos
26.   Red Skull
27.   Klaw/Ulysses Klaue
28.   The Collector (Ally turned villain)
29.   Death
30.   Ultron
31.   Ronan the Accuser


32.   Agent 13
33.   Nick Fury
34.   Maria Hill
35.   Dr. Helen Cho
36.   Christine Everhart

The Defenders (and co)

37.   Jessica Jones
38.   Daredevil
39.   Luke Cage
40.   Iron Fist
41.   Elektra
42.   Punisher
43.   Patsy Walker/Hellcat
44.   Claire Temple

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

45.   Phil Coulson
46.   Jemma Simmons
47.   Melinda May
48.   Daisy Johnson
49.   Leo Fitz
50.   Bobbi Morse
51.   Lance Hunter


52.   Adam Warlock (major player in the Infinity stories)
53.   Sif
54.   Erik Selvig


55.   Black Bolt
56.   Crystal (and Lockjaw) 
57.   Medusa
58.   Gorgon
59.   Maximus
60. Karnak

Miscellaneous/Minor Roles/Cameos

61.   Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
62.   Squirrel Girl
63.   Nova
64.   America Chavez/Miss America
65.   Spider Woman
66.   Wiccan
67.  She-Hulk

Who do you think will appear in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Avengers: Infinity War Part 2? 

Thanks for reading. 


My Most Anticipated Movies of 2016

2016, Batman V Superman, Captain America: Civil War, Dawn of Justice, doctor strange, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Finding Dory, Ghostbusters,, Me Before You, Moana, suicide squad

From Suicide Sqaud starring Margot Robbie and Jared Leto to Finding Dory starring Ellen Degeneres, here are my 10 must see movies of 2016, in order of anticipation.

Sorry for the late post, I’ve had this all prepared since December 20th but I forgot to schedule the post and I’ve been writing quite a bit recently so didn’t realise (oops). 

After such an exciting end to 2015 with Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Poe Dameron is my hero, just saying) not Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Roadchip, I felt even more excited for the upcoming films of 2016. It’s THE year of comic book movies with 7 Marvel and DC adaptions on their way, as well as a whole army of huge films on their way also. Let’s get started…

10. Moana

Moana seems to be a necessary addition to the Disney Princess franchise as the first Polynesian princess played by Auli’i Cravalho, a native Hawaiian herself. I really like the look of this film, the setting and story seems really impressive. Besides, I’m really hoping for a cameo or easter egg for Lilo and Stitch. 

9. Doctor Strange

When I heard that Benedict Cumberbatch had been cast as Doctor Strange I was a bit perplexed, admittedly. However, seeing photos from set and seeing official images (like above) has made me so very excited. I’m really looking forward to see how Marvel will make Doctor Strange work, and how it will fit into continuity. 

8. Me Before You

First impressions may make you think it’s just another ‘rom-com/drama’ but, while I haven’t read the book itself, the plot seems super interesting and the cast is superb with Daenerys Targaryen, Finnick Odair, Neville Longbottom and Clara Oswald, otherwise known as Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Matthew Lewis and Jenna Coleman respectively.

7. Ghostbusters

Goodness me, don’t get me started on those middle-aged white men complaining about how ‘Ghostbusters with women is so unnecessary WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER REBOOT’ while they lap up Jurassic World and the new Star Wars movie. I personally love the fact that we’re getting a new Ghostbusters movie, the cast is great; I mean, Kristen Wiig is awesome AND Chris Hemsworth is in an office-role?! See how you like that middle aged misogynists.

6. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

I mean, come on, it’s Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and possible Flash and Cyborg IN A HUGE MOVIE TOGETHER. Could this be any more exciting? (Chandler Bing style) DC are seriously going straight in with their movie universe, hitting out Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad (see later on in the post), it took Marvel ages to get some crossovers happening, if that’s a good thing or a bad thing for DC, we’ll find out when the movie comes out. 

5. Finding Dory

After 13 years, we’re finally getting the sequel to Finding Nemo and it’s all about our favourite blue fish Dory, voiced by Ellen Degeneres. I’m glad we’re getting a Dory-story, she was always the highlight of Finding Nemo for me so it’s nice to finally be getting some development on Dory. I can’t believe I’m saying this about a fish. 

4. Captain America: Civil War

Having read the Civil War comics, I was so so excited to finally get a Civil War movie. While perhaps on a smaller, but understandable, scale, the movie looks insane! I mean, Spider-Man AND Black Panther being introduced, Scarlet Witch VS Vision, Scarlet Witch FLYING/LEVITATING, Ant-Man, Iron Man VS Captain America, EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING. Nevermind the fact we might get a post-credits scene with Doctor Strange (maybe even Spider-Man, Wasp or Captain Marvel).

3. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Following the success of The Force Awakens, we’re getting another Star Wars movie this Christmas, however this time part of the Anthology series. While we don’t really know too much about Rogue One apart from the cast which features Felicity Jones and the story being somewhat about retrieving the plans of the first Death Star, I feel like my anticipation for this movie is because of how good The Force Awakens was. I’m so ready for more Star Wars in my life!

2. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

A recent trip to the Warner Bros Studio Tour reignited my excitement for Fantastic Beasts, which fortunately stars my favourite actor Eddie Redmayne. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing the Wizarding World come back to life and possibly start a ‘Wizarding Movie Universe’ of some kind. I love the look of this film, seeming slightly more spontaneous than the Harry Potter film series but still carrying the same feel and magical touch that we all fell in love with the first time.

Honourable mentions
Deadpool, Passengers, Alice Through The Looking Glass, The BFG, Inferno, The Jungle Book, X-Men: Apocalypse, Divergent: Allegiant, A Monster Calls, Zootopia, The Promise.

1. Suicide Squad

Anyone that knows me personally and speaks to me regularly will know just how excited I am for Suicide Squad. I speak about it daily. I’m ridiculously excited for Suicide Squad, the trailer was released during my 18th birthday and I genuinely stood in the garden watching it with one or two other people while everyone else was inside having fun. 

Every time I see this trailer, I squeal. Seriously. I do. Jared Leto’s take on The Joker looks so menacing and sinister. The cast itself is killer, with Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Cara Delevingne, Viola Davis, Jared Leto, Scott Eastwood, Ben Affleck and Karen Fukuhara to name just a few. My most highly anticipated character is, of course, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. Harley looks perfect, looking fun and energetic but equally as evil and bad as needed to faithfully depict such an iconic comic book villain. 
I’m extremely excited for Suicide Squad, and I’m interested to see what it does for comic book movies as a whole, being the first major villain-centric movie. The success of Suicide Squad could go either way, it could be a huge hit or it could go somewhat like 2015’s Fantastic Four and be panned by critics and audiences alike. However, whatever way it goes, I’m so ready to spend all my money on Suicide Squad merchandise (posters, Funko Pop figures, soundtracks, t-shirts, everything). 
That’s all for now. 
Thanks for reading!