Avengers: Infinity War Character Predictions

avengers, Infinity War, marvel, marvel cinematic universe
With a rumoured 67 characters planned, Avengers Infinity War seems to be one of the biggest movie events of all time. But, who’s going to appear? Here are my predictions?

Of course, not all of these characters will appear. 67 major characters can’t be made up of pre-established characters, we’ll indeed have new characters we aren’t yet aware of who will play key roles in Phase Three. But for now, lets try and get a general idea of who can appear, as well as some characters who we could get easter eggs or cameos for, because not all the characters will get a tonne of screen-time. I can’t explain each characters reasonings because it would take forever to explain but these following 67 characters are characters who I reckon have a chance at appearing.
The Original Avengers

1.       Iron Man
2.       Hawkeye
3.       Captain America
4.       Black Widow
5.       Thor
6.       Hulk/Bruce Banner

The New Avengers

7.       Scarlet Witch
8.       The Vision
9.       Captain Marvel
10.   Black Panther
11.   Spider Man
12.   Doctor Strange
13.   Ant Man
14.   Wasp
15.   War Machine
16.   Falcon

Guardians of the Galaxy

17.   Groot
18.   Star Lord
19.   Gamora
20.   Drax
21.   Rocket Raccoon
22.   Mantis


23.   Loki
24.   Nebula
25.   Thanos
26.   Red Skull
27.   Klaw/Ulysses Klaue
28.   The Collector (Ally turned villain)
29.   Death
30.   Ultron
31.   Ronan the Accuser


32.   Agent 13
33.   Nick Fury
34.   Maria Hill
35.   Dr. Helen Cho
36.   Christine Everhart

The Defenders (and co)

37.   Jessica Jones
38.   Daredevil
39.   Luke Cage
40.   Iron Fist
41.   Elektra
42.   Punisher
43.   Patsy Walker/Hellcat
44.   Claire Temple

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

45.   Phil Coulson
46.   Jemma Simmons
47.   Melinda May
48.   Daisy Johnson
49.   Leo Fitz
50.   Bobbi Morse
51.   Lance Hunter


52.   Adam Warlock (major player in the Infinity stories)
53.   Sif
54.   Erik Selvig


55.   Black Bolt
56.   Crystal (and Lockjaw) 
57.   Medusa
58.   Gorgon
59.   Maximus
60. Karnak

Miscellaneous/Minor Roles/Cameos

61.   Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
62.   Squirrel Girl
63.   Nova
64.   America Chavez/Miss America
65.   Spider Woman
66.   Wiccan
67.  She-Hulk

Who do you think will appear in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Avengers: Infinity War Part 2? 

Thanks for reading. 



adam warlock, avengers, black panther, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, masters of evil, mcu, namor, nova, she-hulk, spider-woman, the wasp, wasp, young avengers
Hello! Before you read this, feel free to check out my ranking of phase 2 of the MCU here, and additionally, feel free to check out my predictions for phase 4 of the MCU here. Despite Steven Spielberg’s recent comments about the declining state of superhero movies (a rather redundant statement considering his recent filmography bar a few), I truly believe that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is to stick around until the 5th or 6th phase, preferably the sixth, before a hiatus on Marvel movies and then an ultimate reboot of some kind, perhaps focusing on superheroes other than the front-runners of the MCU; Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and my predicted front-runners Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, and Doctor Strange for the later phases. I would believe the rebooted MCU following the Marvel hiatus would focus on such heroes like Squirrel Girl (she’s actually pretty damn cool, she defeated Thanos/Deadpool/everyone), Miss America (America Chavez) and more, as they become seasoned heroes in the Marvel comics (baring in mind this reboot would come in the late 2020’s). 
Obviously, I cannot fully predict the order of these films as I did with phase four as it’s so far in the future, so these following 10 predictions are in no particular order. 

1. Namor

I guess all I can really say for this is that it’s so deserving for the MCU and would be a fantastic response to the DCEU’s Aquaman, one issue though, despite Namor’s fantastic storylines and his snarky characteristics, he belongs to Universal. Please Universal, give Marvel the rights back 😦

2. The Young Avengers

America Chavez’s Miss America, Wiccan, Hulkling and co would make a great Young Avengers movie, especially because they all have such interesting backstories. I mean, Miss America is an LGBT Latin-American teenage female superhero, talk about diversity. It’s important and inspiring that the Young Avengers team is also the most diverse, it’s a great message for a young audience and thus something I’d like to see played out on the big screen. ‘It doesn’t matter who you are, it matters that you’re a hero’. 

3. Adam Warlock

I don’t believe that this would be an introduction movie to Adam Warlock, heck his cocoon has appeared in Guardians (confirmed by the director that it was indeed Adam Warlock), he was hinted at in Thor: The Dark World. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the character in phase three, especially involved in Guardians 2 and Infinity War, perhaps making a post credits appearance in Doctor Strange or Black Panther. Adam Warlock will be an established hero before his solo movie, similar to Spider-Man, as well as my predicted Spider-Woman appearances (see 5).

4. Nova

I would predict Nova for a few reasons, however an important one being that I doubt Tony Stark/Iron Man will be around for phase 4, let alone phase 5, and we need a character to fill that gap. Thus, we get Nova and the Nova Corps as a highly redeeming replacement. Nova, I predict, will be teased in phase 3 (a quick reference similar to Spider-Man’s reference in Ant Man), and will make a post-credits appearance in phase 4, only to lead onto become a mainstay of phase 5 of the MCU. A storyline similar to Annihilation would be preferable, however with the Guardians and Captain Marvel being long-established characters by the time of phase 5 I don’t see this happening.

5. Spider-Woman

If you’ve read my phase 4 predictions you will know that I’ve predicted Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) to be one of the flagship heroes of Marvel’s later phases, making appearances in Captain Marvel 2 and co-leading the Avengers in Secret Invasion, so it’s only fair that she finally gets the movie she deserves in phase 5. Spider-Woman remains a fan favourite in the Marvel comics, despite recent controversy (seriously, just google ‘spider woman costume controversy’ to find out more), and has the perfect characteristics and story-lines to fit the MCU.

6. Captain Marvel 3

I feel this may be a definite, considering most MCU heroes have their own film trilogy (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America), and I feel Carol Danvers’ Captain Marvel is going to continue that trend. I would possibly expect a team up in this film between Captain Marvel and the hugely important Kamala Khan’s Ms. Marvel (expect Ms. Marvel to appear in a few films beforehand, such as the big Avengers movies, and possibly Young Avengers/Inhumans/Spider-Man). I would also expect this movie to be the Civil War of Phase 5, combining heroes of past and present (heck, how cool would it be to see a phase 1 hero pop up in phase 5).

7. She-Hulk 2

SHE HULK WAHEY. So, with the lack of Hulk movies in the MCU, and presumably Bruce Banner being long gone by phase 5, who else is going to continue the green rage other than Jennifer Walters’ She-Hulk? For this sequel, I’d expect appearances from the likes of Black Talon, The Headmen and the X-Humed. As well as appearances from other heroes like Spider-Man, and cameos from the Young Avengers and the Runaways.

8. The Wasp

While Hope Van Dyne (the MCU’s Wasp, with Janet Van Dyne being long gone) first appeared in the closing film of phase 2 Ant-Man, I do think that Wasp will be around for a while. The Wasp would be the comic relief of phase 5, as was Guardians/Ant Man with phase 2 and presumably Guardians 2 with phase 3. 

9. Black Panther 2

Black Panther would finally receive his sequel following his solo flick in phase three, and following the story of The Client, I would predict be told in a mysterious way that yet again redefines the superhero movie all those years away. Hopefully, the rights to Storm would be negotiated (depending on what happens to Fox’s X-MEN franchise in 10-15 years time), and we’d get a brief history on Storm and Black Panther, only to jump back to the mysterious story of Black Panther in New York.

10. Avengers: Masters of Evil

Perhaps bringing the MCU to an end, the big bads of MCU past and present unite to fight the Avengers (maybe for one last time depending on the possibility of phase six), we’d see a few major villain deaths, as well as a few major hero deaths, and if this were to end the MCU, the Avengers would of course win, only to disband for the final time once their job is done and the universe is safe once more, possibly hinting towards the potential of a ‘reboot’/extension of the MCU, with the cliché shot of the Avengers looking out into the distance on top of a building. Oh, the feels.
Frontrunners for Marvel phase 5: Spider-Woman, Nova, Adam Warlock, She Hulk and Black Panther, with additional heroes such as Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, The Defenders and more. 
That’s all for now. 


age of ultron, ant man, avengers, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, iron man, iron man 3, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, the winter soldier, thor the dark world

Hello! So, we’ve just concluded the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s second phase with Ant-Man, and we’re set to begin phase three with Captain America: Serpent Society  Civil War, which will end with Inhumans, following the two part Infinity War and solo movies for Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Black Panther. I recently posted my MCU phase four predictions, check it out here. We began phase two with the unfortunately popular Iron Man 3, continued with Thor: The Dark World which saw Jane Foster go all magic and cray cray on us, we then got the huge Captain America: The Winter Soldier, only for that to be followed by yet an even bigger Guardians of the Galaxy, we were then introduced to Quicksilver (sob), Scarlet Witch and Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and concluded with Ant-Man and were introduced to Wasp too, but more on that in my next blog post.

6. Iron Man 3

I mean, the best part of the movie wasn’t any of the Tony Stark scenes, it was Pepper Potts going all badass on us. The film essentially screwed up Mandarin, this is one of those films I don’t really talk about, much like Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk. BUT YOU GO PEPPER YOU GO. 

5. Thor: The Dark World

I actually quite liked this movie, I liked what they did with Jane Foster, as well as what they did with Loki towards the end. It just doesn’t really stand out though, not in the grand scheme of things. Phase two had some really brilliant movies, and I guess you can’t expect every movie in the phase to be just as good as each other. 

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Now, I was a bit disappointed because both CA:WS and Guardians before AoU were amazingly good, but the film is pretty darn good. Vision and Scarlet Witch have instantly become favourites of mine, We didn’t see much of Thor in the movie, he was busy building up to Ragnarok, which I was actually okay with. The villain was cool, and the focus on Hawkeye and Black Widow was even better, however the backlash against the Black Widow development kind of killed it for me because it was so unnecessary and overwhelming. 😦

3. Ant-Man

Paul Rudd makes a surprisingly awesome superhero, and the supporting cast completely made the film. While the production for this film was troubled and complicated, the end result was comedic, inspiring and actually quite moving (Scott and Cassie). Peggy Carter’s surprise appearance at the beginning was awesome, and a great way to connect the film to the MCU from the off-start, as well as a nod towards a soon-to=be MCU hero that’s a web-swinger or something.

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This was a difficult choice, because it deserves the top spot so much. The use of Black Widow was great, Falcon had a great introduction, and Bucky Barnes was a fantastic villain. This film redefined the superhero genre by not being an overt superhero movie, it was so much more than just a Marvel movie with a strong super, it was a thriller, it was a drama, it had the occasional comedy, it was a spy movie, and that’s why it completely deserved the critical acclaim that it received. 

1. Guardians of the Galaxy 

A truly eye-catching, visually stunning, cinematic masterpiece, Guardians of the Galaxy plays on the unexpected hero (as does every other film), but in a conventionally challenging way that blends surprisingly well with the Marvel universe. The villains are just as important, with Karen Gillan having a standout performance as Nebula, much different to her days as Amy Pond in Doctor Who. I teared up watching this film, seriously, because the cinematography inspired me and was simply so beautifully done that it really completes the film. 
That’s all for now, check back on the 10th September for my predictions for the fifth phase of the MCU. 


avengers, captain marvel, doctor strange, guardians of the galaxy, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, inhumans, jane foster, lady thor, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, phase 4, runaways, scarlet witch, she-hulk, spider-man, spiderman, vision
Hello! So, we’re about to kick off phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: Civil War, featuring a huge amount of characters including, of course, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant Man, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Sharon Carter, and that’s just a few of the characters set to appear in the battle between Captain America and Iron Man because of the superhuman registration act. Following the huge Civil War, we get an array of films, these being Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Spider-Man, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, ending with Inhumans. This all takes place from 2016 to 2019, that’s three years for a huge amount of MCU, which is rather exciting. The big bosses behind Marvel Studios have reportedly already planned out the MCU’s Phase Four and Phase Five, so I’m here to predict Phase Four of the MCU, check back for my Phase Five predictions in September. For a reminder, here’s the MCU so far. 

1. Kicking off Phase Four… Doctor Strange 2

Looking at the first Doctor Strange movie released soon starring Benedict Cumberbatch, it’s set to introduce the MCU into the wonderful world of magic. We’ve had tastes of it before, but it’s ambiguous, with Thor 2 essentially confusing the lines between magic and alien science. I imagine Doctor Strange (1) will be origin, the story arc I’d like to see for Doctor Strange 2 is The Oath, featuring Rosario Dawson’s Night Nurse (Daredevil). This would be a huge way to kick off Phase Four, featuring a hero that I presume will become an instant fan-favourite. 

2. Captain Marvel 2 

The first Captain Marvel film will be a huge blockbuster, being the first female led Marvel movie. This movie would hopefully feature Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan), perhaps even a cameo leading onto Ms Marvel’s appearance in other Marvel movies if she hasn’t appeared prior to Captain Marvel 2. I predict The Enemy Within as the story line, featuring Captain America (Sam Wilson or Bucky Barnes), Black Widow and Spider Woman (Jessica Drew). In fact, it could even be the Civil War of Phase Four (ALL THE CAST MEMBERS). P.s. I predict Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman will be huge parts of phase four, especially the big Avengers film.

3. Runaways

This film would be huge in that it teaches children to be brave and be heroes, Runaways: Pride and Joy is a story about the six children witnessing their evil parents (The Pride) murder a girl in a sacrificial ceremony. It’s basically a super dark children vs parents. A great message. Such fun.  

4. She-Hulk

She-Hulk is a snarky female character that isn’t defined by her sexuality or gender. Heck, she’s a top lawyer, and she’s green. I personally believe Marvel needs to redirect it’s messages and campaigning to include a younger female audience, and a green female superhero lawyer would be a great extension to the work done by Captain Marvel 1 and 2 to appeal to female fans. With all the hysteria about Black Widow’s marketing (or perhaps lack of), following the female led debut of Captain Marvel in Phase Three, I’d like to see a whole lot of feminism in Phase Four. 

5. Spider-Man 2

Ultimate Six? Anybody? It would seem silly for there not to be a sequel in phase four to Spider-Man’s solo film in phase three, considering just how marketable the hero is. Perhaps the most iconic of Marvel. Now, bringing in the story arc of Ultimate Six, and we get Spider-Man, the Avengers, and a few Spider-Man villains like Electro and Green Goblin. Perhaps with some cameos from She-Hulk, Thor (see 7) and a few other heroes, and you get the Ultimate Spider Man movie (hint hint, maybe?).

6. Guardians of the Galaxy 3.0

Expect this to be a definite thing, with the addition of the pre-established Captain Marvel and perhaps either Mantis, Angela, Moondragon or Adam Warlock. I would predict a story resembling War of Kings or Annihilation. Basically, I’m not sure if this is more of a predicted film or one of those “it’s definitely happening but they just haven’t confirmed it”. 

7. Thor 4 (The New Age)

Following the events of Ragnarok in Phase Three, Hemsworth’s Thor will ‘die’ after being killed by Jormungand’s poison. Jane Foster, or perhaps another woman if Natalie Portman doesn’t renew her contract, will pick up the hammer and become Thor. I’m actually really fond of ‘Lady Thor’, she’s a reassuring and appealing counterpart to Odinson, the character is all about finding strength which is admirable and could be portrayed really well in the MCU. The only issue is who would play her, considering it seems Natalie Portman isn’t likely to be returning (except for Ragnarok, potentially). I could see Lady Sif as the most likely candidate, heck even Maria Hill. However, it would be hilarious (and kind of badass) to see Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) weild “myeuh-muh”, I could see any three characters pulling it off. 

8. Vision and The Scarlet Witch

We had hints towards a relationship between the two towards the end of Age of Ultron, while I do predict Scarlet Witch to appear somehow in Doctor Strange, I also believe there will be considerable development of the two in Civil War and Infinity War, however, there is the challenge of The Vision and the ‘mind stone’. However, as we know, Scarlet witch can do a bit of reality warping. Perhaps even bringing back a certain hero who died in Age of Ultron despite the actor’s multi-contract deal??? In the comic books, Vision and Scarlet Witch married and had children (magically, of course), however their relationship ends tragically (on both parts). This film could either pass as a Scarlet Witch or Vision solo movie, taking either one of their names as the title but featuring the relationship to a certain degree, I would also predict the supporting cast to be the likes of Evangeline Lilly as Wasp, Krysten Ritter’s Jessica Jones, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye as well as cameos by Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and more. Basically, this is the Avengers 4 prequel so to speak. However, I could also see other movies taking this spot in the Phase Four timeline, such as The Wasp, Ant Man 2, Black Panther 2 or an introduction movie to a new hero. At the end of this film, I would predict a hint towards both 9 and 10 in the post-credits scene. (HINT SKRULL HINT)

9. Inhumans 2

This would be the perfect lead up to my predicted Avengers 4 movie, which will close Phase Four of the MCU. Inhumans 2 would be an extension of the pre-established Inhumans story both at the hands of it’s film and Agents of SHIELD, but also I would predict it to be a continuation of Guardians 3, especially if they went down the War of Kings route, possibly moving towards Realm of Kings. At the end of the film, I would say that any one member of the Inhumans team is revealed to be a Skrull prisoner, leading into…

10. The Avengers: The Secret Invasion

Oh yes. The Secret Invasion. Throughout Phase Four, hints would be made towards the Skrull, ultimately leading to the fourth (or fifth if you’re counting Infinity War Part 1 and 2 as two and not one). We would discover that heroes we have learnt to love are secretly Skrull. The new avengers team consisting of Captain Marvel, Captain America, Spider Woman, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Vision (maybe), Scarlet Witch (again, maybe), Doctor Strange, alongside the Inhumans and the Guardians (potentially), Lady Thor would pop along and help the Avengers. This film would close four phases of the MCU, leading into a completely fresh style of MCU movies in Phase Five, with the movies I have predicted possibly getting sequels but introducing more solo movies. 

The front runners of MCU’s Phase Four

That’s all for now, check back in September for my Phase Five predictions, meanwhile on the 26th August I’ll be uploading a list of some bizarre crossovers we all secretly want to see. 
Thanks for reading!


age of ultron, ant man, avengers, batman vs superman, beyoncé, cara delevingne, doctor who, feminism, gambit, harley quinn, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, maisie williams, masculinity, suicide squad
Before I start, here are a few pictures to create some hype.
Hello! Yes, I’m back. Bit of a change around here, Geek Culture and Me is now Totally Geek. I thought I’d change it around and has a hypothetical ‘rebranding’ of the blog. I noticed that I was writing more about things that weren’t essentially ‘geeky’, don’t fret – I’ll still be doing some super crazy posts about all things geeky, like Suicide Squad (HOW COOL DO MARGOT ROBBIE AND JARED LETO LOOK AS HARLEY QUINN AND THE JOKER WOAH) and Doctor Who (MAISIE WILLIAMS IN DOCTOR WHO WHAT WHAT WHAT). Basically, I’ve been away for a few months to focus on my exams, and this morning I finished my last exam Sociology (I had two Sociology exams, and just for reference I also took English Lit and Media). It seems that actually I have missed blogging, just because it’s a place for me to be myself in what seems to be a really idealised, constructed society (lol jk I’m just introverted). My gap year has begun, and with this comes more blog posts, some exciting prospects, and some fun travelling (as well as re-applying to University because I withdrew my application).

Anyway, during the ‘intense’ revision period which mainly consisted of binge-watching TV shows, my bad, I found myself really immersed into music, I found that my guilty pleasures won’t really guilty pleasures, they were perhaps just pleasures. I must admit, and it is sad for me to do so, but I feel that there is a kind of social consensus that a (excuse me for being controversial here) white, straight, 17 year old cannot listen to certaint types of music without being laughed at. I mean, heck, screw that. If I want to listen to Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, or listen to Hillsong and songs from musicals, I’m going to do that because we shouldn’t let ourselves be defined by what seems to be this concept of ‘you’re not a man if you don’t behave like a man’, perhaps relating to Tony Porter’s ‘man box’, in which a man is expected to ‘not cry openly or express emotion – except anger’, ‘not express weakness or fear’, ‘be aggressive’, ‘heterosexual’, ‘views women as property/objects’. I find myself in this position, asking why a straight guy can’t listen to a truly respectable artist like Beyoncé, in the fear of being called ‘gay’, why is there this preconception that a straight guy cannot listen to music? I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to be myself and admit that sometimes, I like to listen to the Les Misérables soundtrack, but also admit that sometimes I like to watch action films and be immersed in the oh so ‘manly’ culture. When/If I marry in the very far future, I truly hope that my wife appreciates a quick dance to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off like I do, there’s nothing wrong with being yourself and the fact that people’s association with such forms of entertainment being negative saddens me, even when reflecting on personal experience. I’ve noticed that with celebrity males, being straight and listening to Beyoncé etc is perfectly fine, however being an ordinary male, being straight and listening to Beyoncé results in people sniggering at you and thinking ‘is he sure?’. That’s sad, that’s depressing. Our society takes pride in taking interest in other people’s personal lives, and with this new wave of feminism that I totally support, which again is a kind of taboo with straight men (I know of only three other friends of mine who can openly admit they support feminism without the fear of being called ‘gay’), it still seems like there’s a division in gender, and a division in character. I believe in a future where a straight male like myself can listen to certain music without being laughed at because it’s ‘gay’ and ‘feminine’, I believe in a future where a straight woman gets a short haircut without being labelled a ‘lesbian’. I believe in a future where genders are treated equally, and we don’t have to hide behind a false mask in order to avoid being falsely labelled, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being labelled as ‘gay’, ‘feminine’, ‘lesbian’ or ‘butch’, but it would be just as nice to be labelled as something true, to be labelled as ourselves. Self-identification is the future, not peer-identification. 
Anyway, rant over. I thought I’d continue with some fanboyish moments. 
How great was Avengers: Age of Ultron? I got to see it with a group of good friends for free because one of them worked at the cinema, and I found myself so involved in the film. So good! How great is Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch? Why did REVLISKCIUQ (SPOILERS read that backwards, unless you want to avoid spoilers) have to die?!?!?!?! The Vision is my new idol. 
Suicide Squad set pictures are fantastic, and the fan-art is just as good. How cool is this fan-art of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, it’s absolutely poster worthy! Interestingly, no set photos of Cara Dele-whatshername apart from the odd rare (one of her fully covered to avoid costume leak). I’m starting to wonder just what role The Enchantress will play in the DCU film. I think I’m more excited about Suicide Squad than Ant-Man and Batman V Superman, not really too hyped about such films like Gambit though, you get me? 
In the next few days/weeks, I’ll be back in full force, posting reviews on the new Florence album, doing top 10 lists of live performances and songs from musicals but to name a few. I look forward to start blogging again. It’s fairly exciting! 
Thanks for reading, be sure to check out all my fancy little social media sites. Feel free to subscribe by email to be notified whenever a new blog post comes out! 
2. http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/ant-man_avengers_poster_tv_spot-2015-06
3. http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-spoiler-watch-game-5633767
4. http://www.slashfilm.com/avengers-age-of-ultron-trailer-3/
5. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=120122

Superhero Fanboying

avengers, batman vs superman, cara delevingne, dc, doctor strange, fox, Geek, harley quinn, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, human torch, jared leto, mantis, marvel, poison ivy, sue storm, suicide squad

Hi there! So, I’ve been away for quite a while, trying to figure out my ‘future’, and have decided that I’ll be taking a year off before venturing into the wonderful world of University. I haven’t had the opportunity to wish you all a happy new year! So here….

That’s enough for now. 

I just wanted to write about a few brilliant things… 
aka Fantastic Four, Marvel, DC, and ALL THE THINGS.

        whaaaaaaaaattttt! Take a look at the trailer below!
I mean, DAMN! DAMN DAMN DAMN! I admit, I wasn’t hyped before, but since the release of the costume artwork it has been increasingly growing in my mind. And then, all of a sudden, oh here’s a trailer. Thanks Fox. Thank you very much. 

Good old Miles Teller, good old Kate Mara, good old Michael B. Jordan, good old … wait. Michael B. Jordan? Really? Yes. It doesn’t matter. I’m stunned that people find it confusing and incomprehensible that MBJ is playing the Human Torch. The industry is developing, and things need to change. I understand that people aren’t too fond of this because of the comics, but it’s time for change. Additionally, sadly we live in a society where if we’re not politically correct we’re an abomination. I feel like Fox had to have MBJ, just for political correctness. Although, thinking about it, the whole ‘adopted’ sibling thing between Sue and Johnny is going to be great for the narrative. So, for me, it’s not an issue. You go Fox, do your thing (and then give Fantastic Four back to Marvel, but that’s something for another time). 
(shoutout to Jamie Bell as well)

Margot Robbie. That is all. 
A nice little fan made MR as Harley Quinn

I’m so pumped for this movie, even more than Avengers: AoU and Batman VS Superman. 2016 hurry up please!! I mean seriously, the fanboy within is hulking out because of this film. I cannot wait to see Robbie as Harley Quinn, and Jared Leto as the Joker. I’m even looking forward to seeing Cara Delevingne as The Enchantress. Will Smith, well, let’s not talk about that. 

But, do you know who I would really like to see…
Of course, Poison Ivy

I mean come on. Poison Ivy! DC/WB are still casting and adding more characters to the movie, perhaps even a cameo from Poison Ivy would be sufficient. But, considering Harley Quinn is in the film, can we really not have Poison Ivy. 

Actresses that could play her? Even for a cameo to set up for a larger appearance in a Batman film? Well…

– Emily Blunt
– Amanda Seyfried
– Rachel Weisz 
– Rachel McAdams
– Tom Hardy

*insert fanboy typing here* kjrencdmzkvcmwes
My first question…. why no Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow Funko Pop! figures? What the heck. Perhaps wave 2? I don’t know. But it seems strange that Paul Bettany’s The Vision got a Pop when the character has had no promotion for the film whatsoever. 
Anyway…. I’m so ready for this film (not as much as Suicide Squad but still). I’m mostly looking forward to Black Widow’s backstory. 

I’m also excited for the twins, played by Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson (aka that Godzilla couple) 
There’s talk of some other superheroes having a few seconds/minutes of screen-time in the film. Cumberbatch’s Dr Strange for one, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, Jessica Jones, Ant Man, and of course, the recently heavily rumoured Mantis. Some have claimed Claudia Kim (otherwise known as Kim Soo Hyun), will be playing Mantis, Kim is featured in the party scene, although only subliminally. Why the secrecy? I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudia Kim was to play Mantis. 
However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudia was unveiled as Mantis towards the end of the movie, or in a post-credits scene. Although, Mantis’ biography is extensive and fits with many characters in the film. Mantis battles Ultron, has a thing for the Vision, and gets abducted alongside Scarlet Witch by Kang (not in the movie but still). Mantis is an expert in martial arts, and when she reaches adulthood has her mind wiped and is exiled to Earth to gain life experience (hence why she could be working for Tony Stark in AoU). Towards the end of the film…. “oh I’ve got my memory back and I’m a superhero”. Mantis also battled Thanos, hint hint. She’s also a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, possibly setting up a connection between the Avengers and Guardians for the second GotG movie. To summarise, I really hope she’s in this movie. Basically. Yeah.

That’s all. 
Bye for now
Geek Culture and Me