age of ultron, ant man, avengers, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, iron man, iron man 3, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, the winter soldier, thor the dark world

Hello! So, we’ve just concluded the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s second phase with Ant-Man, and we’re set to begin phase three with Captain America: Serpent Society  Civil War, which will end with Inhumans, following the two part Infinity War and solo movies for Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Black Panther. I recently posted my MCU phase four predictions, check it out here. We began phase two with the unfortunately popular Iron Man 3, continued with Thor: The Dark World which saw Jane Foster go all magic and cray cray on us, we then got the huge Captain America: The Winter Soldier, only for that to be followed by yet an even bigger Guardians of the Galaxy, we were then introduced to Quicksilver (sob), Scarlet Witch and Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and concluded with Ant-Man and were introduced to Wasp too, but more on that in my next blog post.

6. Iron Man 3

I mean, the best part of the movie wasn’t any of the Tony Stark scenes, it was Pepper Potts going all badass on us. The film essentially screwed up Mandarin, this is one of those films I don’t really talk about, much like Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk. BUT YOU GO PEPPER YOU GO. 

5. Thor: The Dark World

I actually quite liked this movie, I liked what they did with Jane Foster, as well as what they did with Loki towards the end. It just doesn’t really stand out though, not in the grand scheme of things. Phase two had some really brilliant movies, and I guess you can’t expect every movie in the phase to be just as good as each other. 

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Now, I was a bit disappointed because both CA:WS and Guardians before AoU were amazingly good, but the film is pretty darn good. Vision and Scarlet Witch have instantly become favourites of mine, We didn’t see much of Thor in the movie, he was busy building up to Ragnarok, which I was actually okay with. The villain was cool, and the focus on Hawkeye and Black Widow was even better, however the backlash against the Black Widow development kind of killed it for me because it was so unnecessary and overwhelming. 😦

3. Ant-Man

Paul Rudd makes a surprisingly awesome superhero, and the supporting cast completely made the film. While the production for this film was troubled and complicated, the end result was comedic, inspiring and actually quite moving (Scott and Cassie). Peggy Carter’s surprise appearance at the beginning was awesome, and a great way to connect the film to the MCU from the off-start, as well as a nod towards a soon-to=be MCU hero that’s a web-swinger or something.

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This was a difficult choice, because it deserves the top spot so much. The use of Black Widow was great, Falcon had a great introduction, and Bucky Barnes was a fantastic villain. This film redefined the superhero genre by not being an overt superhero movie, it was so much more than just a Marvel movie with a strong super, it was a thriller, it was a drama, it had the occasional comedy, it was a spy movie, and that’s why it completely deserved the critical acclaim that it received. 

1. Guardians of the Galaxy 

A truly eye-catching, visually stunning, cinematic masterpiece, Guardians of the Galaxy plays on the unexpected hero (as does every other film), but in a conventionally challenging way that blends surprisingly well with the Marvel universe. The villains are just as important, with Karen Gillan having a standout performance as Nebula, much different to her days as Amy Pond in Doctor Who. I teared up watching this film, seriously, because the cinematography inspired me and was simply so beautifully done that it really completes the film. 
That’s all for now, check back on the 10th September for my predictions for the fifth phase of the MCU. 


batman, black panther, captain america, captain marvel, dc, doctor strange, gamora, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, hulk, iron man, mantis, marvel, scarlet witch, spiderman, star lord, superman, the flash, thor, wonder woman

Hey there! Here are my top 10 superheroes, all my own opinion.

1. The Flash

2. Captain Marvel 

3. Captain America 

4. Spiderman 

5. Scarlet Witch

6. Star Lord 

7. Batman 

8. Thor 

9. Superman 

10. Storm 

Honorary mentions
Iron Man
Doctor Strange
Wonder Woman
Black Panther

That’s all.

Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

black widow, captain america, doctor who, harley quinn, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, jenna coleman, Les Misérables, loki, lorde, meryl streep, poison ivy, scarlet witch, the flash, the hours

*goes off singing Sound of Music*

HELLO THERE! Hola, Bonjour, hello in all the languages.

In this post I’ll be talking about some of my favourite things. Hurrah!

Excuse the awkwardness. 

I’ve got some of my favourites on the About Me page (check it out), but they’re a bit exhaustive and long, so I thought I’d write about my favourites on a post with some extras as well. 
1. Favourite TV Show
It has to be Doctor Who, I mean, how brilliant is the show? 51 years of pure gold. I can’t contain my excitement. My general excitement. I just love that show. 
“But it’s just a kid’s show!” 
No no no no no, it’s not. It’s not just a programme for children, it’s a universal programme targeted for all ages. Do you really think they would kill off companions and have terrifying aliens like the Weeping Angels if it was merely a children’s show. Nope. You go Doctor Who, you go do your thing. I JUST REALLY LOVE DOCTOR WHO. But what is it about Doctor Who? It’s the story, a time lord that saves planets for no reason but because he wants to, companions that remind you that everybody is important, even if they don’t believe it (Donna Noble, Rose Tyler). The fairytale entwined in a sci-fi show, what’s not to love?
Favourite Doctor: Matt Smith (followed by Peter Davison)
Favourite Companion: Clara Oswald (followed by Jo Grant and Martha Jones)
p.s. I’m still mourning the loss of Osgood, 11th Doctor and Amy and Rory
2. Favourite Film
The Hours, featuring Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, and Julianne Moore. The stories of Virginia Woolf (also my favourite author), Laura Brown and Clarissa Vaughan play throughout the film, and come together in a beautiful and moving way towards the end of the film, it’s kind of like Love Actually, but better and more intense. Here’s the trailer: 

3. Favourite Superheroes

So many to choose from! For me, it’s The Flash which is ironic because any form of physical activity (running) is something I tend to stay away from, although I am quite fond of going on night time walks. The Flash is closely followed by Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Captain America, Spiderman and Scarlet Witch. All of which are set to appear on screen in the next couple of years *fanboy overload*. 
4. Favourite Supervillains
5. Favourite Hero
This category is a bit loose, with some ‘agents’ from Marvel, as well as other forms of media. My favourite hero is probably Black Widow, the only reason I didn’t put her in ‘favourite superhero’ is because I don’t really see her as a superhero. I also love James Bond, Katniss Everdeen, Finnick Odair, Hermione and Ron, Hans Solo, Hawkeye, and John McClane. 
6. Favourite Musician
Lorde. Florence + the Machine. Bombay Bicycle Club. HAIM. Foals. Marina and the Diamonds. Lana Del Rey. Josh Record. Ellie Goulding. Fall Out Boy. Hillsong Young & Free (and Hillsong United). Hurts. The Killers. London Grammar. Smallpools. The Royal Concept. Saint Raymond.
LORDE LORDE LORDE LORDE LORDE. Here’s my favourite Lorde song. 
7. Favourite Musical
I’m a self confessed musical fanboy. I accept that. My favourite has to be Les Misérables, followed by Rent, The Lion King, and Wicked. I know all the words to Les Mis, and I often find myself humming along to One Day More or Do You Hear the People Sing, daily. If anything happens at sixth form that isn’t good, or is a disadvantage for the students, I’m usually the first to suggest we march through the building singing Do You Hear the People Sing. I have no shame. My school performed it when I was in Year 7 and I had a 2 line solo, I’m basically a professional.
(they lowered my mic so I lost my solo as everyone sang over it, so I only really had a microphone)

8. Favourite Song
Surprisingly, it’s not a Lorde song. It’s a HAIM song, Let Me Go. The live performances of this song complete my life, no really, they do. Danielle, Alana and Este are brilliant, just brilliant. Some of my other favourite songs are Florence + the Machine’s Never Let Me Go, Philip Philips’ Gone Gone Gone, Lykke Li’s No Rest For The Wicked, The Killers’ The Way It Was, Bombay Bicycle Club’s Carry Me and Ellie Goulding’s Explosions.

My favourite colour – Blue 
My favourite season – Winter
My favourite actor – Matt Smith
My favourite actress – Meryl Streep
My favourite comedians – Jon Richardson, Sarah Millican, and Jimmy Carr.
My favourite cartoon – Adventure Time/Spongebob

That’s all.
Bye for now!
Geek Culture and Me