My Most Anticipated Movies of 2016

2016, Batman V Superman, Captain America: Civil War, Dawn of Justice, doctor strange, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Finding Dory, Ghostbusters,, Me Before You, Moana, suicide squad

From Suicide Sqaud starring Margot Robbie and Jared Leto to Finding Dory starring Ellen Degeneres, here are my 10 must see movies of 2016, in order of anticipation.

Sorry for the late post, I’ve had this all prepared since December 20th but I forgot to schedule the post and I’ve been writing quite a bit recently so didn’t realise (oops). 

After such an exciting end to 2015 with Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Poe Dameron is my hero, just saying) not Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Roadchip, I felt even more excited for the upcoming films of 2016. It’s THE year of comic book movies with 7 Marvel and DC adaptions on their way, as well as a whole army of huge films on their way also. Let’s get started…

10. Moana

Moana seems to be a necessary addition to the Disney Princess franchise as the first Polynesian princess played by Auli’i Cravalho, a native Hawaiian herself. I really like the look of this film, the setting and story seems really impressive. Besides, I’m really hoping for a cameo or easter egg for Lilo and Stitch. 

9. Doctor Strange

When I heard that Benedict Cumberbatch had been cast as Doctor Strange I was a bit perplexed, admittedly. However, seeing photos from set and seeing official images (like above) has made me so very excited. I’m really looking forward to see how Marvel will make Doctor Strange work, and how it will fit into continuity. 

8. Me Before You

First impressions may make you think it’s just another ‘rom-com/drama’ but, while I haven’t read the book itself, the plot seems super interesting and the cast is superb with Daenerys Targaryen, Finnick Odair, Neville Longbottom and Clara Oswald, otherwise known as Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Matthew Lewis and Jenna Coleman respectively.

7. Ghostbusters

Goodness me, don’t get me started on those middle-aged white men complaining about how ‘Ghostbusters with women is so unnecessary WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER REBOOT’ while they lap up Jurassic World and the new Star Wars movie. I personally love the fact that we’re getting a new Ghostbusters movie, the cast is great; I mean, Kristen Wiig is awesome AND Chris Hemsworth is in an office-role?! See how you like that middle aged misogynists.

6. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

I mean, come on, it’s Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and possible Flash and Cyborg IN A HUGE MOVIE TOGETHER. Could this be any more exciting? (Chandler Bing style) DC are seriously going straight in with their movie universe, hitting out Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad (see later on in the post), it took Marvel ages to get some crossovers happening, if that’s a good thing or a bad thing for DC, we’ll find out when the movie comes out. 

5. Finding Dory

After 13 years, we’re finally getting the sequel to Finding Nemo and it’s all about our favourite blue fish Dory, voiced by Ellen Degeneres. I’m glad we’re getting a Dory-story, she was always the highlight of Finding Nemo for me so it’s nice to finally be getting some development on Dory. I can’t believe I’m saying this about a fish. 

4. Captain America: Civil War

Having read the Civil War comics, I was so so excited to finally get a Civil War movie. While perhaps on a smaller, but understandable, scale, the movie looks insane! I mean, Spider-Man AND Black Panther being introduced, Scarlet Witch VS Vision, Scarlet Witch FLYING/LEVITATING, Ant-Man, Iron Man VS Captain America, EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING. Nevermind the fact we might get a post-credits scene with Doctor Strange (maybe even Spider-Man, Wasp or Captain Marvel).

3. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Following the success of The Force Awakens, we’re getting another Star Wars movie this Christmas, however this time part of the Anthology series. While we don’t really know too much about Rogue One apart from the cast which features Felicity Jones and the story being somewhat about retrieving the plans of the first Death Star, I feel like my anticipation for this movie is because of how good The Force Awakens was. I’m so ready for more Star Wars in my life!

2. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

A recent trip to the Warner Bros Studio Tour reignited my excitement for Fantastic Beasts, which fortunately stars my favourite actor Eddie Redmayne. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing the Wizarding World come back to life and possibly start a ‘Wizarding Movie Universe’ of some kind. I love the look of this film, seeming slightly more spontaneous than the Harry Potter film series but still carrying the same feel and magical touch that we all fell in love with the first time.

Honourable mentions
Deadpool, Passengers, Alice Through The Looking Glass, The BFG, Inferno, The Jungle Book, X-Men: Apocalypse, Divergent: Allegiant, A Monster Calls, Zootopia, The Promise.

1. Suicide Squad

Anyone that knows me personally and speaks to me regularly will know just how excited I am for Suicide Squad. I speak about it daily. I’m ridiculously excited for Suicide Squad, the trailer was released during my 18th birthday and I genuinely stood in the garden watching it with one or two other people while everyone else was inside having fun. 

Every time I see this trailer, I squeal. Seriously. I do. Jared Leto’s take on The Joker looks so menacing and sinister. The cast itself is killer, with Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Cara Delevingne, Viola Davis, Jared Leto, Scott Eastwood, Ben Affleck and Karen Fukuhara to name just a few. My most highly anticipated character is, of course, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. Harley looks perfect, looking fun and energetic but equally as evil and bad as needed to faithfully depict such an iconic comic book villain. 
I’m extremely excited for Suicide Squad, and I’m interested to see what it does for comic book movies as a whole, being the first major villain-centric movie. The success of Suicide Squad could go either way, it could be a huge hit or it could go somewhat like 2015’s Fantastic Four and be panned by critics and audiences alike. However, whatever way it goes, I’m so ready to spend all my money on Suicide Squad merchandise (posters, Funko Pop figures, soundtracks, t-shirts, everything). 
That’s all for now. 
Thanks for reading!


avengers, captain marvel, doctor strange, guardians of the galaxy,, inhumans, jane foster, lady thor, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, phase 4, runaways, scarlet witch, she-hulk, spider-man, spiderman, vision
Hello! So, we’re about to kick off phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: Civil War, featuring a huge amount of characters including, of course, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant Man, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Sharon Carter, and that’s just a few of the characters set to appear in the battle between Captain America and Iron Man because of the superhuman registration act. Following the huge Civil War, we get an array of films, these being Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Spider-Man, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, ending with Inhumans. This all takes place from 2016 to 2019, that’s three years for a huge amount of MCU, which is rather exciting. The big bosses behind Marvel Studios have reportedly already planned out the MCU’s Phase Four and Phase Five, so I’m here to predict Phase Four of the MCU, check back for my Phase Five predictions in September. For a reminder, here’s the MCU so far. 

1. Kicking off Phase Four… Doctor Strange 2

Looking at the first Doctor Strange movie released soon starring Benedict Cumberbatch, it’s set to introduce the MCU into the wonderful world of magic. We’ve had tastes of it before, but it’s ambiguous, with Thor 2 essentially confusing the lines between magic and alien science. I imagine Doctor Strange (1) will be origin, the story arc I’d like to see for Doctor Strange 2 is The Oath, featuring Rosario Dawson’s Night Nurse (Daredevil). This would be a huge way to kick off Phase Four, featuring a hero that I presume will become an instant fan-favourite. 

2. Captain Marvel 2 

The first Captain Marvel film will be a huge blockbuster, being the first female led Marvel movie. This movie would hopefully feature Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan), perhaps even a cameo leading onto Ms Marvel’s appearance in other Marvel movies if she hasn’t appeared prior to Captain Marvel 2. I predict The Enemy Within as the story line, featuring Captain America (Sam Wilson or Bucky Barnes), Black Widow and Spider Woman (Jessica Drew). In fact, it could even be the Civil War of Phase Four (ALL THE CAST MEMBERS). P.s. I predict Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman will be huge parts of phase four, especially the big Avengers film.

3. Runaways

This film would be huge in that it teaches children to be brave and be heroes, Runaways: Pride and Joy is a story about the six children witnessing their evil parents (The Pride) murder a girl in a sacrificial ceremony. It’s basically a super dark children vs parents. A great message. Such fun.  

4. She-Hulk

She-Hulk is a snarky female character that isn’t defined by her sexuality or gender. Heck, she’s a top lawyer, and she’s green. I personally believe Marvel needs to redirect it’s messages and campaigning to include a younger female audience, and a green female superhero lawyer would be a great extension to the work done by Captain Marvel 1 and 2 to appeal to female fans. With all the hysteria about Black Widow’s marketing (or perhaps lack of), following the female led debut of Captain Marvel in Phase Three, I’d like to see a whole lot of feminism in Phase Four. 

5. Spider-Man 2

Ultimate Six? Anybody? It would seem silly for there not to be a sequel in phase four to Spider-Man’s solo film in phase three, considering just how marketable the hero is. Perhaps the most iconic of Marvel. Now, bringing in the story arc of Ultimate Six, and we get Spider-Man, the Avengers, and a few Spider-Man villains like Electro and Green Goblin. Perhaps with some cameos from She-Hulk, Thor (see 7) and a few other heroes, and you get the Ultimate Spider Man movie (hint hint, maybe?).

6. Guardians of the Galaxy 3.0

Expect this to be a definite thing, with the addition of the pre-established Captain Marvel and perhaps either Mantis, Angela, Moondragon or Adam Warlock. I would predict a story resembling War of Kings or Annihilation. Basically, I’m not sure if this is more of a predicted film or one of those “it’s definitely happening but they just haven’t confirmed it”. 

7. Thor 4 (The New Age)

Following the events of Ragnarok in Phase Three, Hemsworth’s Thor will ‘die’ after being killed by Jormungand’s poison. Jane Foster, or perhaps another woman if Natalie Portman doesn’t renew her contract, will pick up the hammer and become Thor. I’m actually really fond of ‘Lady Thor’, she’s a reassuring and appealing counterpart to Odinson, the character is all about finding strength which is admirable and could be portrayed really well in the MCU. The only issue is who would play her, considering it seems Natalie Portman isn’t likely to be returning (except for Ragnarok, potentially). I could see Lady Sif as the most likely candidate, heck even Maria Hill. However, it would be hilarious (and kind of badass) to see Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) weild “myeuh-muh”, I could see any three characters pulling it off. 

8. Vision and The Scarlet Witch

We had hints towards a relationship between the two towards the end of Age of Ultron, while I do predict Scarlet Witch to appear somehow in Doctor Strange, I also believe there will be considerable development of the two in Civil War and Infinity War, however, there is the challenge of The Vision and the ‘mind stone’. However, as we know, Scarlet witch can do a bit of reality warping. Perhaps even bringing back a certain hero who died in Age of Ultron despite the actor’s multi-contract deal??? In the comic books, Vision and Scarlet Witch married and had children (magically, of course), however their relationship ends tragically (on both parts). This film could either pass as a Scarlet Witch or Vision solo movie, taking either one of their names as the title but featuring the relationship to a certain degree, I would also predict the supporting cast to be the likes of Evangeline Lilly as Wasp, Krysten Ritter’s Jessica Jones, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye as well as cameos by Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and more. Basically, this is the Avengers 4 prequel so to speak. However, I could also see other movies taking this spot in the Phase Four timeline, such as The Wasp, Ant Man 2, Black Panther 2 or an introduction movie to a new hero. At the end of this film, I would predict a hint towards both 9 and 10 in the post-credits scene. (HINT SKRULL HINT)

9. Inhumans 2

This would be the perfect lead up to my predicted Avengers 4 movie, which will close Phase Four of the MCU. Inhumans 2 would be an extension of the pre-established Inhumans story both at the hands of it’s film and Agents of SHIELD, but also I would predict it to be a continuation of Guardians 3, especially if they went down the War of Kings route, possibly moving towards Realm of Kings. At the end of the film, I would say that any one member of the Inhumans team is revealed to be a Skrull prisoner, leading into…

10. The Avengers: The Secret Invasion

Oh yes. The Secret Invasion. Throughout Phase Four, hints would be made towards the Skrull, ultimately leading to the fourth (or fifth if you’re counting Infinity War Part 1 and 2 as two and not one). We would discover that heroes we have learnt to love are secretly Skrull. The new avengers team consisting of Captain Marvel, Captain America, Spider Woman, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Vision (maybe), Scarlet Witch (again, maybe), Doctor Strange, alongside the Inhumans and the Guardians (potentially), Lady Thor would pop along and help the Avengers. This film would close four phases of the MCU, leading into a completely fresh style of MCU movies in Phase Five, with the movies I have predicted possibly getting sequels but introducing more solo movies. 

The front runners of MCU’s Phase Four

That’s all for now, check back in September for my Phase Five predictions, meanwhile on the 26th August I’ll be uploading a list of some bizarre crossovers we all secretly want to see. 
Thanks for reading!


batman, black panther, captain america, captain marvel, dc, doctor strange, gamora,, hulk, iron man, mantis, marvel, scarlet witch, spiderman, star lord, superman, the flash, thor, wonder woman

Hey there! Here are my top 10 superheroes, all my own opinion.

1. The Flash

2. Captain Marvel 

3. Captain America 

4. Spiderman 

5. Scarlet Witch

6. Star Lord 

7. Batman 

8. Thor 

9. Superman 

10. Storm 

Honorary mentions
Iron Man
Doctor Strange
Wonder Woman
Black Panther

That’s all.

Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me

Superhero Fanboying

avengers, batman vs superman, cara delevingne, dc, doctor strange, fox, Geek, harley quinn,, human torch, jared leto, mantis, marvel, poison ivy, sue storm, suicide squad

Hi there! So, I’ve been away for quite a while, trying to figure out my ‘future’, and have decided that I’ll be taking a year off before venturing into the wonderful world of University. I haven’t had the opportunity to wish you all a happy new year! So here….

That’s enough for now. 

I just wanted to write about a few brilliant things… 
aka Fantastic Four, Marvel, DC, and ALL THE THINGS.

        whaaaaaaaaattttt! Take a look at the trailer below!
I mean, DAMN! DAMN DAMN DAMN! I admit, I wasn’t hyped before, but since the release of the costume artwork it has been increasingly growing in my mind. And then, all of a sudden, oh here’s a trailer. Thanks Fox. Thank you very much. 

Good old Miles Teller, good old Kate Mara, good old Michael B. Jordan, good old … wait. Michael B. Jordan? Really? Yes. It doesn’t matter. I’m stunned that people find it confusing and incomprehensible that MBJ is playing the Human Torch. The industry is developing, and things need to change. I understand that people aren’t too fond of this because of the comics, but it’s time for change. Additionally, sadly we live in a society where if we’re not politically correct we’re an abomination. I feel like Fox had to have MBJ, just for political correctness. Although, thinking about it, the whole ‘adopted’ sibling thing between Sue and Johnny is going to be great for the narrative. So, for me, it’s not an issue. You go Fox, do your thing (and then give Fantastic Four back to Marvel, but that’s something for another time). 
(shoutout to Jamie Bell as well)

Margot Robbie. That is all. 
A nice little fan made MR as Harley Quinn

I’m so pumped for this movie, even more than Avengers: AoU and Batman VS Superman. 2016 hurry up please!! I mean seriously, the fanboy within is hulking out because of this film. I cannot wait to see Robbie as Harley Quinn, and Jared Leto as the Joker. I’m even looking forward to seeing Cara Delevingne as The Enchantress. Will Smith, well, let’s not talk about that. 

But, do you know who I would really like to see…
Of course, Poison Ivy

I mean come on. Poison Ivy! DC/WB are still casting and adding more characters to the movie, perhaps even a cameo from Poison Ivy would be sufficient. But, considering Harley Quinn is in the film, can we really not have Poison Ivy. 

Actresses that could play her? Even for a cameo to set up for a larger appearance in a Batman film? Well…

– Emily Blunt
– Amanda Seyfried
– Rachel Weisz 
– Rachel McAdams
– Tom Hardy

*insert fanboy typing here* kjrencdmzkvcmwes
My first question…. why no Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow Funko Pop! figures? What the heck. Perhaps wave 2? I don’t know. But it seems strange that Paul Bettany’s The Vision got a Pop when the character has had no promotion for the film whatsoever. 
Anyway…. I’m so ready for this film (not as much as Suicide Squad but still). I’m mostly looking forward to Black Widow’s backstory. 

I’m also excited for the twins, played by Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson (aka that Godzilla couple) 
There’s talk of some other superheroes having a few seconds/minutes of screen-time in the film. Cumberbatch’s Dr Strange for one, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, Jessica Jones, Ant Man, and of course, the recently heavily rumoured Mantis. Some have claimed Claudia Kim (otherwise known as Kim Soo Hyun), will be playing Mantis, Kim is featured in the party scene, although only subliminally. Why the secrecy? I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudia Kim was to play Mantis. 
However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudia was unveiled as Mantis towards the end of the movie, or in a post-credits scene. Although, Mantis’ biography is extensive and fits with many characters in the film. Mantis battles Ultron, has a thing for the Vision, and gets abducted alongside Scarlet Witch by Kang (not in the movie but still). Mantis is an expert in martial arts, and when she reaches adulthood has her mind wiped and is exiled to Earth to gain life experience (hence why she could be working for Tony Stark in AoU). Towards the end of the film…. “oh I’ve got my memory back and I’m a superhero”. Mantis also battled Thanos, hint hint. She’s also a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, possibly setting up a connection between the Avengers and Guardians for the second GotG movie. To summarise, I really hope she’s in this movie. Basically. Yeah.

That’s all. 
Bye for now
Geek Culture and Me