buzzcut season, catching fire, culture, cyberman, doctor who, everybody wants to rule the world, glory and gore,, katniss, lorde, mockingjay, royals, team, yellow flicker beat, youth
Lord I love Lorde.

The thing about Lorde is that, whenever I listen to her music, I’m reminded of just how young I am. Lorde’s music is young, it’s embodies youth and it’s culture. My favourite Lorde song is most probably Team. It’s brilliant, just brilliant. I mean seriously. The chorus:

We live in cities you’ll never see on screen

Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things

Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams

And you know, we’re on each other’s team
I have no words. It’s just good. Unity within youth culture. Such a powerful statement, “we sure know how to run things” aka we’re better than you think, we’re smarter than you think, and we have control. Not a statement suggesting that youth is overthrowing adults, but that we can survive on our own, because we’re independent and strong. 
Getting too deep. 
Talking about youth empowerment, Yellow Flicker Beat, eh? Oh my, that’s a statement and a half. “I’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me”, you go Lorde, you go Katniss, you go.

“Hahaha when Lorde performs she’s a freak” NOPE. She’s feeling the music and getting into it. Her stage presence is immense. 

I have no words because her live performances are just so entrancing and exciting, yet so powerful and evoke such a strong impact. I guess it doesn’t help that when she’s performing I’m expecting a Cyberman to walk out on stage and Lorde to simply headbutt it whilst headbanging and get picked up by the Doctor and become a companion?

Too much?

Yeah. Sorry. 

My Favourite Lorde songs
– Team
– Tennis Court
– Yellow Flicker Beat
– Everybody Wants To Rule The World
– Buzzcut Season
– Glory and Gore

That’s all.

Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me

p.s. apologies for such a bizarre post, just wanted to show my appreciation for Lorde

“it’s a new art form showing people how little we care”