age of ultron, ant man, avengers, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, iron man, iron man 3, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, the winter soldier, thor the dark world

Hello! So, we’ve just concluded the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s second phase with Ant-Man, and we’re set to begin phase three with Captain America: Serpent Society  Civil War, which will end with Inhumans, following the two part Infinity War and solo movies for Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Black Panther. I recently posted my MCU phase four predictions, check it out here. We began phase two with the unfortunately popular Iron Man 3, continued with Thor: The Dark World which saw Jane Foster go all magic and cray cray on us, we then got the huge Captain America: The Winter Soldier, only for that to be followed by yet an even bigger Guardians of the Galaxy, we were then introduced to Quicksilver (sob), Scarlet Witch and Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and concluded with Ant-Man and were introduced to Wasp too, but more on that in my next blog post.

6. Iron Man 3

I mean, the best part of the movie wasn’t any of the Tony Stark scenes, it was Pepper Potts going all badass on us. The film essentially screwed up Mandarin, this is one of those films I don’t really talk about, much like Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk. BUT YOU GO PEPPER YOU GO. 

5. Thor: The Dark World

I actually quite liked this movie, I liked what they did with Jane Foster, as well as what they did with Loki towards the end. It just doesn’t really stand out though, not in the grand scheme of things. Phase two had some really brilliant movies, and I guess you can’t expect every movie in the phase to be just as good as each other. 

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Now, I was a bit disappointed because both CA:WS and Guardians before AoU were amazingly good, but the film is pretty darn good. Vision and Scarlet Witch have instantly become favourites of mine, We didn’t see much of Thor in the movie, he was busy building up to Ragnarok, which I was actually okay with. The villain was cool, and the focus on Hawkeye and Black Widow was even better, however the backlash against the Black Widow development kind of killed it for me because it was so unnecessary and overwhelming. 😦

3. Ant-Man

Paul Rudd makes a surprisingly awesome superhero, and the supporting cast completely made the film. While the production for this film was troubled and complicated, the end result was comedic, inspiring and actually quite moving (Scott and Cassie). Peggy Carter’s surprise appearance at the beginning was awesome, and a great way to connect the film to the MCU from the off-start, as well as a nod towards a soon-to=be MCU hero that’s a web-swinger or something.

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This was a difficult choice, because it deserves the top spot so much. The use of Black Widow was great, Falcon had a great introduction, and Bucky Barnes was a fantastic villain. This film redefined the superhero genre by not being an overt superhero movie, it was so much more than just a Marvel movie with a strong super, it was a thriller, it was a drama, it had the occasional comedy, it was a spy movie, and that’s why it completely deserved the critical acclaim that it received. 

1. Guardians of the Galaxy 

A truly eye-catching, visually stunning, cinematic masterpiece, Guardians of the Galaxy plays on the unexpected hero (as does every other film), but in a conventionally challenging way that blends surprisingly well with the Marvel universe. The villains are just as important, with Karen Gillan having a standout performance as Nebula, much different to her days as Amy Pond in Doctor Who. I teared up watching this film, seriously, because the cinematography inspired me and was simply so beautifully done that it really completes the film. 
That’s all for now, check back on the 10th September for my predictions for the fifth phase of the MCU. 


ant man, batman, black panther, captain marvel, dc, green arrow, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, iron man, marvel, ms marvel, robin, scarlet witch, spiderman, supergirl, superman, the flash, the wasp, wolverine, wonder woman

Hello! Today I’m writing about Marvel and DC, more specifically Marvel and DC characters teaming up together and FIGHTING THE BAD GUYS WOOOAHHH.


I previously did a blog post about Marvel VS DC, pitting two characters, one of each, against each other to see who’d win. Check that out here. MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER

Anyway, let’s get started. (Warning: I really wasn’t that great at coming up with team names)

1. Spider-man, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Superman and Wolverine as… THE FRONTRUNNERS

Basically, as the appalling team name may suggest… These six heroes are a few of the core heroes of Marvel and DC. Just imagine the hard-core battling done between these guys and perhaps a villain team consisting of Doctor Doom, Dr Octopus, Magneto, Harley Quinn, The Joker and Lex Luthor.

2. Ant Man, The Wasp, Atom and Shrinking Violet as… THE LITTLE ONES (I told you I was bad at thinking of team names)

So little, so tiny, where the heck are they? I kid of course. I’m hilarious I know, please… stop applauding. Imagine a superhero team consisting of, well, four tiny people. It would actually work quite well.

3. Black Panther, Iron Man, Green Arrow and Batman as… THE M TEAM (No seriously stop laughing at these team names)

Imagine all the cool gadgets and super cool technology, just a few rich guys beating up some bad guys. All the equal opportunities. 

4.  Kid Flash, H.E.R.B.I.E, Robin (Carrie Kelley)  and Lockheed as… THE SIDEKICKS (Again, don’t judge)

This is something I’d like to see, the sidekicks come up and be the main heroes (despite the team name, oh my). Carrie Kelley is actually super cool, and with her rumoured appearance in Batman V Superman (although I truly doubt it’s truth), I’d see her as the frontrunner of the team. The others, they’re super awesomely cool as well.

5. Scarlet Witch, Zatanna, Magik and Raven as… THE MAGICEISHAS (I’m rather proud of this team name actually)

This would be one badass all-female magical superhero team, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN. NEEDS TO. Scarlet Witch is cray cray as the kids say, Zatanna is equally as cray, Magik is just cool and Raven is epic. ALL DA MAGIC.

6. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Miss America (America Chavez), Supergirl, Wiccan, Miss Martian and Robin (Tim Drake) as… THE YOUTHFUL SIX

I’m a huge fan of America Chavez and Kamala Khan, so I could perhaps see them as the leaders of this group. However, Supergirl and Robin are huge presences in not only the DC universe, but also in the general superhero universe. Ask anybody, and they’ll know who Supergirl and Robin are. So they would perhaps be the frontrunners as well. This team would be fantastic because it’s a bunch of young people proving themselves and truly making a difference and saving the world. Yolo, as the kids say.
That’s all for now.
See you next time for My July Soundtrack featuring Jack Garrett, Galantis, Sigma and Florence + The Machine.  


batman, black panther, captain america, captain marvel, dc, doctor strange, gamora, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, hulk, iron man, mantis, marvel, scarlet witch, spiderman, star lord, superman, the flash, thor, wonder woman

Hey there! Here are my top 10 superheroes, all my own opinion.

1. The Flash

2. Captain Marvel 

3. Captain America 

4. Spiderman 

5. Scarlet Witch

6. Star Lord 

7. Batman 

8. Thor 

9. Superman 

10. Storm 

Honorary mentions
Iron Man
Doctor Strange
Wonder Woman
Black Panther

That’s all.

Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me