Avengers: Infinity War Character Predictions

avengers, Infinity War, marvel, marvel cinematic universe
With a rumoured 67 characters planned, Avengers Infinity War seems to be one of the biggest movie events of all time. But, who’s going to appear? Here are my predictions?

Of course, not all of these characters will appear. 67 major characters can’t be made up of pre-established characters, we’ll indeed have new characters we aren’t yet aware of who will play key roles in Phase Three. But for now, lets try and get a general idea of who can appear, as well as some characters who we could get easter eggs or cameos for, because not all the characters will get a tonne of screen-time. I can’t explain each characters reasonings because it would take forever to explain but these following 67 characters are characters who I reckon have a chance at appearing.
The Original Avengers

1.       Iron Man
2.       Hawkeye
3.       Captain America
4.       Black Widow
5.       Thor
6.       Hulk/Bruce Banner

The New Avengers

7.       Scarlet Witch
8.       The Vision
9.       Captain Marvel
10.   Black Panther
11.   Spider Man
12.   Doctor Strange
13.   Ant Man
14.   Wasp
15.   War Machine
16.   Falcon

Guardians of the Galaxy

17.   Groot
18.   Star Lord
19.   Gamora
20.   Drax
21.   Rocket Raccoon
22.   Mantis


23.   Loki
24.   Nebula
25.   Thanos
26.   Red Skull
27.   Klaw/Ulysses Klaue
28.   The Collector (Ally turned villain)
29.   Death
30.   Ultron
31.   Ronan the Accuser


32.   Agent 13
33.   Nick Fury
34.   Maria Hill
35.   Dr. Helen Cho
36.   Christine Everhart

The Defenders (and co)

37.   Jessica Jones
38.   Daredevil
39.   Luke Cage
40.   Iron Fist
41.   Elektra
42.   Punisher
43.   Patsy Walker/Hellcat
44.   Claire Temple

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

45.   Phil Coulson
46.   Jemma Simmons
47.   Melinda May
48.   Daisy Johnson
49.   Leo Fitz
50.   Bobbi Morse
51.   Lance Hunter


52.   Adam Warlock (major player in the Infinity stories)
53.   Sif
54.   Erik Selvig


55.   Black Bolt
56.   Crystal (and Lockjaw) 
57.   Medusa
58.   Gorgon
59.   Maximus
60. Karnak

Miscellaneous/Minor Roles/Cameos

61.   Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
62.   Squirrel Girl
63.   Nova
64.   America Chavez/Miss America
65.   Spider Woman
66.   Wiccan
67.  She-Hulk

Who do you think will appear in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Avengers: Infinity War Part 2? 

Thanks for reading. 


10 Characters The MCU Needs

cardiac, comic books, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, miss America, molten man, sentry, she-hulk, silver sable, spectrum, spider-gwen, squirrel girl
Hello! It’s taken me a while to write a new blog post, I’ve been busy working on my book! Check the Book tab for more details!

The other day, I was looking into the news of Squirrel Girl no longer being a mutant (see below), and connected it to what Marvel did with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in the comics so they’d fit in the MCU, and then I realised that perhaps Squirrel Girl really is being set-up for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Then, I went onto think about some characters that I’d quite like to see in the MCU (I’ve written another post for the DC Extended Universe ‘DCEU’ which will be out soon), and of course, I had to start with my dear…

Also, check out my phase four and phase five predictions for the MCU.

Squirrel Girl

She’s no longer a mutant, she’s defeated the likes of Doctor Doom, Wolverine, Deadpool, MODOK, Thanos, Bi-Beast, she even befriended Galuctus and stopped him from destroying Earth. She’s insanely powerful, and she’s perfect for some comic relief in the MCU. I mean, yeah, she’s got a bizarre name and some bizarre powers, but with her no longer being a mutant, it’s pretty clear she’s being set up for the MCU. I could possibly see her popping up in Jessica Jones, released November 20th on Netflix, however if that’s not the case I could definitely see either an animated series tied into the MCU (with live-action appearances down the line), or appearances in Infinity War p.2/Inhumans with a post-credits scene prior to these movies in Ant Man and The Wasp, Civil War or Guardians 2.0. I’d love it if Squirrel Girl were part of the last few standing members of the Avengers that take down Thanos in IW p.2, and I legitimately think this may in fact be the case.
Who I would cast: Sarah Hyland (a slightly more bad-ass, yet quirky Squirrel Girl)/Mae Whitman


The issue with bringing in Spider-Gwen would be the multiverse, not interconnectivity within the films as we see now in Earth-199999, but the actual concept of Peter Parker wasn’t bitten, his dead girlfriend was instead. There have been talks of a Spider-Gwen movie, and it would be cool to see Tom Holland’s Peter Parker team up with Spider-Gwen (and maybe Miles Morales??) to save the world. However, as amazing as that would be, it probably won’t happen for a while, at least the MCU’s Spider-Man sequel, and even then, Spider-Gwen could only pop up in a post-credits and a simple name drop. 
Who I would cast: Elle Fanning

Captain Britain

Speaking of multiverses, each one has a Captain Britain (not the same one, of course) designated to protect the British Isles. The Captain Britain Corps. I feel perhaps Captain Britain could indeed have his own movie if they found a suitable plot that would fit in with the MCU (which would be a bit tricky). However, I feel Captain Britain would mostly work in Agents of Shield, and then moving into the movies. I feel Brian Braddock would fit in quite well in the general Avengers movie, specifically the Infinity War movies. We need some non-American Marvel heroes, we’re getting that with Scarlet Witch and technically Black Widow, Doctor Strange will be British too, but still, they feel a tad too-American (not Donald Trump American, don’t worry), and Captain Britain is genuinely bad-ass. 
Who I would cast: Martin Freeman Dan Stevens

Silver Sable

The thing about Silver Sable is that she’s just cool, despite her backstory (her hair turned silver after seeing her mother die). Silver Sablinova is an antihero, and the leader of the Wild Pack. Sable is a master of martial arts, a highly skilled marksman and a badass swordsman. She’s often associated with Spider Man, and with another Peter Parker reboot coming up, it’d be interesting to see some different characters pop up. Silver Sable also pops up in the Infinity War comics, and she’s paired up with the Punisher, Daredevil, Captain America, and Luke Cage. She’s also been associated with Misty Knight, who’s appearing in the Luke Cage Netflix series. Dare I say it, when Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow kicks the bucket (perhaps with all the current Avengers), perhaps we can get Silver Sable as a worthy replacement.
Who I would cast: Claire Holt

Miss America (America Chavez)

She’s got superhuman strength, she’s got superhuman durability, she can fly, heck she’s mastered inter-dimension transportation. America Chavez is bullet proof, flame proof and has superhuman speed. She’s badass as heck, and she’s a Latin-American badass LGBT teenager (which is incredibly important in terms of representation and diversity which is perhaps more needed in the MCU). While she doesn’t have enough to fuel her own movie, she could very well appear down the line, I could very well see her, along with the young avengers, pop up in a post-credits scene similar to how Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver did in CA: Winter Soldier, only to have starring roles in a few films later. Essentially, I’d love to see Miss America turn up leading the Young Avengers, helping out in one of the upcoming phase three movies, most likely either Ant Man and the Wasp, Civil War, Spider Man or Inhumans. 
Who I would cast: Antonia Thomas

Spectrum (Monica Rambeau)

Try to spot how connected this character is with MCU heroes, she’s perfect for the MCU.
Spectrum is a one-time leader of the Avengers, she’s gone by the alias Captain Marvel (upcoming movie with the Carol Danvers CM), and was introduced to the Avengers by Spider Man (Tom Holland). She then teamed up with Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), Luke Cage (Mike Colter), Blade and Brother Voodoo. She was mentored by Captain America (Chris Evans) and the Wasp (Evangeline Lilly). Monica Rambeau is already so connected with the MCU that I’m actually quite surprised she hasn’t even been name dropped yet. Spectrum is hugely powerful and a genuinely interesting yet unappreciated character. I could imagine Monica appearing in Captain Marvel alongside Carol Danvers, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if she does. I mean, seriously, I’m shocked we haven’t had even a name drop considering we’ve even had a Man-Thing name drop. 
Who I would cast: Rutina Wesley


Basically, insanely powerful Superman-like ex-drug addict with connections to Hulk, Iron Man and Spider Man. While I don’t think he’s got enough pull to earn a solo movie, Sentry (Robert Reynolds) does have an interesting back-story, albeit the aforementioned ex-drug (meth) addict background. His arch-nemesis… himself. Well, the Void, which is the other half of the personality, to be precise. Sentry is an interesting character, he can’t die unless he chooses too, he’s in a constant battle with his darker self, and has to contain his powers using his mental powers, meaning he’s constantly on the verge of becoming evil. While, as mentioned earlier, he doesn’t have the attention from fans to get his own movie, it would be interesting to see him join the Avengers at some point, especially if they decide not to go with the ‘crazy Scarlet Witch’ story to keep her as a pure and simple good hero, they could go with Sentry joining the Avengers then becoming oh so very bad. 
Who I would cast: Alexander Skarsgard


If you’ve read my predictions for phase four and phase five, you’ll know that I predicted a She-Hulk movie (and a sequel), I honestly think that with Hulk seemingly out the picture by the time Infinity War ends, along with a few of the original core avengers (bye Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff), we’ll need a new green hero to smash some things up. Who better than the very much deserving She Hulk? Confession time: I think She-Hulk needs a movie much more than the Hulk, especially considering where the Hulk is now in MCU continuity. Let’s get some more badass female heroines in the MCU, with them repeatedly delaying the first female led movie Captain Marvel yet again. We need some She-Hulk, and soon. I mean, come on, she’s a green lawyer. She’s cool. 
Who I would cast: Jennifer Love-Hewitt/Anne Hathaway (seriously)

And… Molten Man and Cardiac
    Some fresh Spider Man villains so we don’t get another Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus. 
    Who I would cast: Greg Finley (MM) and Toby Stephens (C)
    Some other thoughts (which I didn’t include because I think it’s obvious they’ll be appearing in some form):
    Kamala Khan
    Spider Woman
    Adam Warlock (Magus casting call for Guardians 2 is a thing)
    Miles Morales
    That’s all for now…

    10 Terrifying Comic Book Villains

    black mask, carnage, dc, duela dent, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, joker, lady styx, marvel, mary queen of blood, morbius, scarecrow, sultur, the joker

    Hello! There’s something rather terrifying about a slightly creepy looking, incredibly evil supervillain in the Marvel and DC comics/movies/tv shows. With this being my final Halloween-themed post of the month, I thought I’d make it just a tiny bit thrilling by listing 10 very creepy villains. 

    10. Sultur 

    So, Sultur is a demon in Marvel comics. Yup. An actual demon. Sultur is based on the Norse fire giant Sultr, and is a pretty consistent enemy of Thor’s. It’s claimed that Sultur sits at the end of the world, waiting for the end of time to come so he can slay everyone and everything. How rude. The very sight of Sultur is absolutely intimidating, imagine facing that in real life. Oh my gosh. 

     9. Lady Styx (DC)

    Lady Styx makes me oh so very uncomfortable, her demeanour and very, very alien-like figure with all her extra limbs and long pointy head gives me pure chills. She’s worshipped as a god in DC Comics, and sends her legions to annihilate planets and turn the populations into her very own undead slaves. Quite cruel in my honest opinion. 

    8. Morbius, the Living Vampire

    Oh hell no nasty vampire villain in Marvel. The sheer sight of him, see above, makes me feel uneasy. In recent storylines, he’s become a fairly questionable hero. Morbius started out as a Spider-Man villain, went on to become a tragic protagonist with his very own series as a flying, super-strengthened vampire with a nobel prize. Yes, a nobel prize. 

    7. Mary, Queen of Blood

    Mary Seward is the leader of the Blood Red Moon, a terrorist vampire (note a trend here) organization in DC continuity, and served as handmaid to Queen Elizabeth (Elizabeth Tudor, yes the legit one). Now she’s waging a war against humans, see above for terrifying quote; “they are nothing but food” oh hell no.

    6. Black Mask

    I remember playing Arkham City and feeling very uncomfortable whenever Black Mask popped up because, well, his mask is just a tad bit creepy. To tell the truth, I actually think I’ve had a nightmare about this guy. Black Mask is the slightly less well known crime lord of Gotham city, having known Bruce Wayne (Batman) since they were both children, yet is possibly one of the creepier Batman villains (the other two are coming up in a bit, don’t fret).

    5. Bloody Mary

    What I admire about DC especially is their ability to create absolutely terrifying villains, and this is yet another one. Whilst I was editing this photo, I got distracted and when I looked back at the screen, I actually screamed. But then, I guess some of my friends will know how easily scared I am. Mary. Worth. Is. Terrifying. 

    4. Duela Dent

    Oh yes, another DC villain. I remember coming across Duela Dent when she went about as ‘The Joker’s Daughter’, then pretty much all the other Batman villains before it was confirmed she was indeed Harvey Dent’s daughter. The sheer sight of her gives me chills, however Duela went on to become an absolutely terrifying hero in Teen Titans before joining the Suicide Squad much to Harley Quinn’s disdain. Then she went cray cray again and started mixing with more villains. She became obsessed with The Joker, and after his apparent death, Duela simply started to murder people to get his attention. Damn.

    3. Carnage

    Cletus Kasady, Marvel’s psychopath and homicidal sadist. He killed his grandmother, tried to kill his mother by throwing a television into her bathtub, and tortured and killed his mother’s dog. Then his mother tried to kill him, only to be killed herself by Kasady’s father. Then Cletus was sent to an orphanage and killed a few people and burnt the place down. Then, he became a serial killer and was sent to prison, only to become Carnage, the most terrifying Marvel villain. Imagine coming across this in real life, I’d cry and need a change of clothes within 3 seconds. 

    2. Scarecrow

    I’m absolutely terrified of Scarecrow, oh my goodness. I remember playing Arkham Asylum, and wandering through the morgue when suddenly Scarecrow jumps out. I had to have an hour break and a hot drink. Then, as I returned to the game, I was thrilled (not) to find out I’d have to play through a Scarecrow level. Following this, I found out the entire SERIES WOULD BE BASED ON SCARECROW (and Joker, kind of) and I ABSOLUTELY LOST IT. Scarecrow plays on your biggest fears, using chemicals to induce a state of hallucination where your biggest fears play out. Imagine mine, a bunch of dogs and clowns surrounding me. What would be yours? Actually, it’s a bit room 101, isn’t it?

    1. The Joker

    The Joker, despite my hatred for clowns, is actually one of my favourite, not only in comics, characters of all time. Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, and the rest, have all played fantastic Jokers, and Jared Leto seems like he could most definitely be playing a very iconic incarnation of The Joker. The Joker terrifies me, and so many others, perhaps being slightly responsible for some children hating clowns (my fear of clowns actually only just kicked in in recent years, which is strange). I think the reason why The Joker ranked at the top spot is because his character shows the funny side of being evil, and that’s truly a terrifying thought. To think that somebody could be so broken, that killing people and causing mayhem and mass destruction is just a joke to them. If that’s not scary, I don’t know what is.

    That’s all for now.
    Be sure to check back on the 1st November for my October soundtrack, a monthly feature I do listing 10 songs I’d been listening to in that month. I’ll also have a new theme for the first week or two of November, in honour of Guy Fawkes night. Be sure to come back to check it all out!
    Feel free to follow me on Bloglovin’, Twitter, and Facebook.


    Totally Culture

    Diversity and Change In The Media

    change, cyborg, dc, diversity, doctor who, harry potter, hayley atwell, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, hulkling, katana, martha jones, marvel, ms marvel, spider-man, viola davis, wiccan

    Hello! Today, I’d like to discuss diversity and change within the media. This is an area that’s fairly prevalent in today’s culture, notably with recent events regarding such cases as the death of Sandra Bland, Viola Davis’ Emmy win, and the upcoming Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman and Cyborg movies. 
    First, we should consider the statistics behind the media. Who’s watching? What are the viewing patterns? 
    Source – BFI
    Taking into consideration that diverse audiences consume the media much more heavily than the norm, we have to wonder why there is so little representation of these audiences within it. This isn’t to say there is a complete ignorance for diverse characters in the media; Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project), Gloria and Manny Pritchett (Modern Family), Melinda May (Agents of SHIELD). Yet, considering these, diverse characters still fall to stereotypes. Modern Family, one of my favourite TV shows as of current, features Gloria, a Latino ‘bombshell’ dating an older man. Stereotype. With Modern Family, though, Gloria especially has developed considerably in character, and while many of her stories focus on her ethnicity, it’s often overlooked and she’s now seen as, simply, Gloria. Continuing with Modern Family, there is slight deviance with Cam and Mitchell, who are a gay couple who adopted a Vietnamese girl at the start of the first season. Hooray for diversity. 
    At the time of writing, I noticed a hashtag on Twitter floating around – #allmalepanel
    At a Tory Party Conference, there were 16 all male panels, less than two days into the conference. I thought I’d reference this because, again, it simply symbolises the need for diversity and change, not only in the media, but in politics also. Check out Buzzfeed’s post about it here.
    Examples of diversity
    DC Comics; John Constantine (bisexual, Liverpudlian magic wielding hero), Katana (Japanese superhero), Cyborg (half-man half-mechanical hero genius)
    As a DC fan myself, admittedly it is hard to find diverse characters in the comics. DC Comics themselves have said that the lack of proper representation of minorities is an industry-wide problem, despite an increase from different racial backgrounds taking interest in its contents. 
    Doctor Who; Mickey Smith, Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint (inter-species wives), Martha Jones
    Doctor Who, a show about a time-travelling Time Lord and their companion(s) going around the universe saving the day. Yet, we got our first non-white companion (Martha Jones) in 2007, 44 years after the debut of the show on 23rd November 1963. Following Martha’s departure at the end of series 3 (of the revived Doctor Who), we’ve yet to go back to a diverse companion, with Donna, Amy, Rory and Clara following. With Clara set to leave at the end of the current series. could we be getting another diverse companion? 
    On the topic of Doctor Who, episodes in recent years have confirmed that a Time ‘person’ can change genders. As seen with The Master:
    Michelle Gomez’s incarnation of The Master, namely Missy, is my favourite, and also the current incarnation. Seeing the character change into a Time Lady feels no different to how the character was before, the character is still as insane and evil as ever, which is pleasant. The character is defined by her actual persona, not gender. Which is why it’s such a concern that so many people seem to despise the idea of The Doctor becoming a woman. Doctor Who features aliens and historical characters, we’ve seen moving statues and living fat, but the idea of a gender switch is ‘awful’. I personally would love to see a female Doctor, accompanied by a male companion, or female, heck, women power!. Hayley Atwell has expressed interest in playing The Doctor, as have many other women. 
    This would be awesome, and in no way would harm the success of the show. In fact, a regeneration into a woman would draw much more attention for the show. Wouldn’t harm the ratings, and would provide another needed role model for young girls in today’s society. Such a change would be good for the show, one can only get so bored of a white man travelling around in a blue box for 51 years. 
    Harry Potter; Dean Thomas, Padma and Parvati Patil
    Harry Potter (the films) featured 12 minority characters in all eight films. Each character speaks on an average of as little as 28 seconds. While the film series does well in glorifying the strength of Emma Watson’s Hermione Granger, giving young girls a role model, the diverse minority characters make up 5 minutes of the entire film series, meaning a lack of role models for people of different races and cultures. See here for more details.
    Fortunately, in the extended universe of Harry Potter we’ll be able to see actors like Gemma Chan star in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, hopefully providing some role models for young people in the upcoming trilogy of films. 
    Marvel; Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Hulkling and Wiccan
    Miles Morales, a Black Hispanic teenager that takes on the Spider-Man mantle. With Spider-Man being such a huge character, known by pretty much everyone, it was a very important move for Marvel to create a role model like Miles Morales. Even Stan Lee, the co-creator of Spider-Man, has some love for Morales – “Doing our bit to try to make our nation, and the world, color blind is definitely the right thing.” Check out more here. Kamala Khan took on the Ms. Marvel name after Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel, Khan is a teenage Pakistani American from New Jersey, the character was met with huge acclaim for being a Muslim character headlining her own comic book, winning quite a considerable amount of awards. Wiccan and Hulkling are assumed to be Marvel’s most prominent gay couple and have been applauded for showing diversity and progression in comics. See here for further reference about Hulkling and Wiccan.

    Further discussion

    Having looked at the nominees for the NTA’s (National Television Awards), I noticed that only 2 in the 58 nominees for ‘Drama Performance’ were of colour. This is slightly concerning considering that actually, the diverse audience are much more prominent than the other, yet are again, under-represented and uncelebrated in the media. Which leads me to my final point, Viola Davis, who plays Amanda Waller in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie (featuring the aforementioned Katana), recently won an Emmy, being the first African-American actress to win for best actress in a drama, gave a moving and stirring speech. As seen below, Viola highlights that actually, women of colour cannot win awards if there are no roles available for them in the first place.

    This idea is similar for all forms of diversity, a young Muslim girl cannot have a role model if a role model for her is simply not created, thus the creation of Kamala Khan. Martha Jones, a trainee Doctor turned UNIT soldier/badass/doctor, Cyborg, the African-American founder of the New-52 Justice League, and many more, providing role models and positive representation for diverse characters within the media. Hopefully, stirring further progression of diverse characters, albeit race, sexuality, gender and more. 

    That’s all for now.


    Totally Culture

    5 Basic Halloween Costumes

    david cameron, halloween, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, lads, madonna, mars, marvel, nasa, nigel farage, pig, piggate, sony, spider-man, spiderman
    Halloween is round the corner, and it’s time to decide what costumes we’ll be wearing for parties, trick-or-treating (if you’re still into that???) and generally trying to scare people. Last year for Halloween I went to a party as a dead version of Arthur (the Aardvark). It was surprisingly well received (no seriously, somebody told me I was brave for wearing a bright yellow jumper… I’m not sure if that’s good or bad but I’ll take it). 
    So, I thought I’d recommend 5 easy Halloween costumes for any last-minuters. 

    1. Madonna, Post-Fall

    All you need is:
    – 1 (or more if you’re feeling brave) bruise(s) on your face
    – 1 dodgy hip
    – 1 walking stick
    – 1 life threatening cape
    – 1 microphone

    2. The Guilty Tory 

    All you need is:
    – 1 fragile pig
    – An obnoxious prime minister
    – Pig ears
    – 1 t-shirt with a sentence denying these ‘outrageous’ claims
    – 1 pig tail
    – 1 tonne of guilt
    – 1 kg of ‘I was just an ordinary student’

    3. Marvel Has Spider-Man

    All you need is:
    – 1 Spider-Man suit/Spider-Man hoodie (basing on whichever version you go for)
    – The rights to affiliate Spider-Man with Marvel
    – Sony’s web shooters

    4. Water On Mars

    All you need is:
    – 1 mega morph suit (red/orange)
    – 1 bottle of water
    – 1 Mars bar
    – The ability to breathe in the mega morph suit

    5. The Cheeky Nando’s

    All you need is:
    – 1 lad/bigoted racist
    – 1 ‘iced gem’ haircut (see here for reference)
    – 1 Nando’s voucher
    – 1 ‘Lads on tour’ t-shirt
    – 1 tonne of banter
    – 4 fellow lads full of banter and 8 sidechicks (each)

    That’s all for now. 

    Totally Culture

    Discussing Feminism

    chimamanda ngozi adiche, ezra miller, feminism, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, intersectionalism, john legend, mark ruffalo, marvel, masculinity, tom hardy

    This is going to be one heck of a truthful post. First, we must ask ourselves this. What, precisely, is feminism?
    Take that ‘meninists’. 

    As seen above, feminism is about the equality of sexes. 

    Modern Day Feminism
    In recent years, we’ve seen women and men stand together to advocate feminism. Until then, we’d seen men take a fearful approach towards it. Admittedly, I myself took an unsure stance towards feminism, believing the sole purpose of it (albeit an existent radical feminist approach) was that feminists wanted ‘world domination’ and that they were all angry and rude, a stereotype that I’ve now realised was offensive and harsh. In light of recent events, I’ve now noticed that feminism is so much more than that, and I see it’s true importance. Feminism is about allowing everybody to have the opportunity of free expression, to be able to live in a society where we’re all treated equally, a society where women will be paid and treated with the same respect that men are, because while the place of women in today’s society has considerably improved, there are still limitations. As a ‘man’ myself, I’ve still taken the time to look into society and notice that, in 2015, we still live in a patriarchal society. However, thanks to social media, feminists have been able to initiate a much more active form of feminism, with a considerable amount of young people involved.

    Now, a large amount of feminists, notably on Twitter, identify themselves as ‘Intersectional Feminists’, while I didn’t understand this at first, I’m now hugely supportive of intersectionalism, a key reason being as follows;

    The view that women experience oppression in varying configurations and
    in varying degrees of intensity. Cultural patterns of oppression are
    not only interrelated, but are bound together and influenced by
    the intersectional systems of society. Examples of this
    include race, gender, class, ability, and ethnicity.”

    An important factor when discussing feminism is who you are, who you really are, in all forms. It helps with understanding gender inequality on both sides, myself being (at the time of writing) an 18 year-old, straight, white, working-class, male. Due to my lifestyle and my surroundings, I’m able to understand the oppression women face, but I’m also able to understand the struggle of masculinity. Here’s a rant I had a while back;

    While I don’t want to undermine the oppression faced by women, we’re fortunate enough to understand that there is indeed oppression faced by the male gender, not to the extremes of female oppression, but it’s definitely there. The key factors in male oppression are sexuality, class, and age. As previously mentioned, being straight, assumingly working class and 18 (a ‘new’ adult so to speak), means that there are certain limitations in my character, or at least what is expected of me. I’m expected to like rugby and football, whereby in contrast I prefer comic books and film/TV, which somehow makes me less of a ‘man’ than people who prefer sports. Being raised in this situation, where people expected me to be obsessed with sports, I grew up understanding that there are different forms of masculinity, and unfortunately these are ranked to define how ‘manly’ you are. I would frequently get asked “are you a rugby player?”/”do you play football”, and I would reply “no, I prefer to play video games/write/etc” and would be asked “What? Are you a girl?”, which is hugely undermining of character.

    We shouldn’t forget that men have the highest percentage of depression and suicide, we don’t talk to people about it because we’re expected to “not be as sensitive” or “man up”. We’re expected to hide our feelings in order to be a ‘man’, and that in itself is damaging. Within my ‘group of friends’, this struggle for masculinity would also occur. I would be asked “why do you have a tumblr account? I thought it was for girls”, “why do you like Marina and the Diamonds? You’re a man!”. I would witness others be asked similar things, but I would also, especially in my two years at sixth form, experience my ‘guy’ friends joke about rape and ‘how nice her tits are’. The new wave of feminism really does help the struggle of masculinity, it helps us understand the layered system of being a man, and it’s helping us understand feminism as a whole and the ever-going fight for gender equality and understanding. Fortunately, there are male celebrities who openly support feminism, which is hugely beneficial.

    L-R; Ezra Miller, Tom Hardy and John Legend, three of the ever-growing list of male celebrity feminists.

    With this in mind, I hope that with the progressive nature of new-feminism, us men are able to not only be happy within ourselves and have free expression, but also to understand the derogatory basis of female oppression, to truly understand that rape jokes are not okay and that consent is hugely important, the objectification of both men and women is something that needs to be changed. Challenging masculinity is why this is hugely important, if men can begin to understand how they internally oppress each other, and overtly oppress women, then we can help men who do not identify as feminists and gain their support in gaining an overall equality of gender.

    Feminism in the media
    Before starting this section, I’d like to identify my three feminist icons.

    L-R; Virginia Woolf (author), Emma Watson, and Mark Ruffalo. 

    As I mentioned before, I’m a huge comic book fan. We’re set to get two female-led superhero movies soon, Captain Marvel for, well, Marvel, and the iconic Wonder Woman for DC. It was recently announced that the gender gap in comic readers is narrowing, in fact, women have taken over men and are now the dominant gender in comic book readership.


    I thought it would be worthwhile pointing out some important female heroes in comic books, from the two dominant forces Marvel and DC Comics. These heroes are hugely important because they teach their readers that anyone can be a hero, no matter their gender, age, sexuality, race and, well, even species. Young girls are hardly ever encouraged in the same way young boys are, so these heroes are hugely important for these reasons.

    L-R; Marvel’s Black Widow (a spy), Captain Marvel (a pilot) and She-Hulk (a lawyer)

    L-R; DC’s Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Supergirl.

    While we’re on the topic of female superheroes, we shouldn’t forget Miss America (America Chavez, an LGBT Latin-American superhero that leads the Young Avengers), Squirrel Girl (she defeated the top Marvel villains like Thanos (you know, that huge purple guy with the infinity gauntlet), and some heroes like Deadpool, with squirrels), Miss Martian, Magik, Zatanna, and Hawkgirl.

    We also have some iconic feminist characters in the wonderful world of TV and film;

    L-R; Princess Merida (Brave), Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project) and Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max)

    The importance of such characters like Merida, Mindy and Furiosa is that they define this new wave of feminism in a way that promotes the idea of free expression within character. While characters like Merida and Furiosa are genuinely bad-ass heroes that don’t need no man, Mindy is a doctor that stands by her fellow women while being happy to fall in love. Feminism is about the equality of genders, and with this in mind, these characters promote the idea that you can do whatever you want to do and still be a feminist, because that’s what it’s about, the freedom to be yourself in an equal society.

    I’d like to end with these two quotes from Mark Ruffalo (y’know, Hulk) and Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche (the hugely important feminist, the one that ‘woke up like dis’ in the Beyoncé song).


    Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve read this and feel like you can fully support the feminist cause, no matter what your age, gender, sexuality, race or social class is.

    Feminism is here to benefit everyone.

    That’s all for now, feel free to share this post (it took me 4 rewrites to get it right), follow me on all my social media accounts if you’d like to!
    Twitter – @TotallyCulture
    Facebook – Totally Culture


    adam warlock, avengers, black panther, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, masters of evil, mcu, namor, nova, she-hulk, spider-woman, the wasp, wasp, young avengers
    Hello! Before you read this, feel free to check out my ranking of phase 2 of the MCU here, and additionally, feel free to check out my predictions for phase 4 of the MCU here. Despite Steven Spielberg’s recent comments about the declining state of superhero movies (a rather redundant statement considering his recent filmography bar a few), I truly believe that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is to stick around until the 5th or 6th phase, preferably the sixth, before a hiatus on Marvel movies and then an ultimate reboot of some kind, perhaps focusing on superheroes other than the front-runners of the MCU; Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and my predicted front-runners Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, and Doctor Strange for the later phases. I would believe the rebooted MCU following the Marvel hiatus would focus on such heroes like Squirrel Girl (she’s actually pretty damn cool, she defeated Thanos/Deadpool/everyone), Miss America (America Chavez) and more, as they become seasoned heroes in the Marvel comics (baring in mind this reboot would come in the late 2020’s). 
    Obviously, I cannot fully predict the order of these films as I did with phase four as it’s so far in the future, so these following 10 predictions are in no particular order. 

    1. Namor

    I guess all I can really say for this is that it’s so deserving for the MCU and would be a fantastic response to the DCEU’s Aquaman, one issue though, despite Namor’s fantastic storylines and his snarky characteristics, he belongs to Universal. Please Universal, give Marvel the rights back 😦

    2. The Young Avengers

    America Chavez’s Miss America, Wiccan, Hulkling and co would make a great Young Avengers movie, especially because they all have such interesting backstories. I mean, Miss America is an LGBT Latin-American teenage female superhero, talk about diversity. It’s important and inspiring that the Young Avengers team is also the most diverse, it’s a great message for a young audience and thus something I’d like to see played out on the big screen. ‘It doesn’t matter who you are, it matters that you’re a hero’. 

    3. Adam Warlock

    I don’t believe that this would be an introduction movie to Adam Warlock, heck his cocoon has appeared in Guardians (confirmed by the director that it was indeed Adam Warlock), he was hinted at in Thor: The Dark World. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the character in phase three, especially involved in Guardians 2 and Infinity War, perhaps making a post credits appearance in Doctor Strange or Black Panther. Adam Warlock will be an established hero before his solo movie, similar to Spider-Man, as well as my predicted Spider-Woman appearances (see 5).

    4. Nova

    I would predict Nova for a few reasons, however an important one being that I doubt Tony Stark/Iron Man will be around for phase 4, let alone phase 5, and we need a character to fill that gap. Thus, we get Nova and the Nova Corps as a highly redeeming replacement. Nova, I predict, will be teased in phase 3 (a quick reference similar to Spider-Man’s reference in Ant Man), and will make a post-credits appearance in phase 4, only to lead onto become a mainstay of phase 5 of the MCU. A storyline similar to Annihilation would be preferable, however with the Guardians and Captain Marvel being long-established characters by the time of phase 5 I don’t see this happening.

    5. Spider-Woman

    If you’ve read my phase 4 predictions you will know that I’ve predicted Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) to be one of the flagship heroes of Marvel’s later phases, making appearances in Captain Marvel 2 and co-leading the Avengers in Secret Invasion, so it’s only fair that she finally gets the movie she deserves in phase 5. Spider-Woman remains a fan favourite in the Marvel comics, despite recent controversy (seriously, just google ‘spider woman costume controversy’ to find out more), and has the perfect characteristics and story-lines to fit the MCU.

    6. Captain Marvel 3

    I feel this may be a definite, considering most MCU heroes have their own film trilogy (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America), and I feel Carol Danvers’ Captain Marvel is going to continue that trend. I would possibly expect a team up in this film between Captain Marvel and the hugely important Kamala Khan’s Ms. Marvel (expect Ms. Marvel to appear in a few films beforehand, such as the big Avengers movies, and possibly Young Avengers/Inhumans/Spider-Man). I would also expect this movie to be the Civil War of Phase 5, combining heroes of past and present (heck, how cool would it be to see a phase 1 hero pop up in phase 5).

    7. She-Hulk 2

    SHE HULK WAHEY. So, with the lack of Hulk movies in the MCU, and presumably Bruce Banner being long gone by phase 5, who else is going to continue the green rage other than Jennifer Walters’ She-Hulk? For this sequel, I’d expect appearances from the likes of Black Talon, The Headmen and the X-Humed. As well as appearances from other heroes like Spider-Man, and cameos from the Young Avengers and the Runaways.

    8. The Wasp

    While Hope Van Dyne (the MCU’s Wasp, with Janet Van Dyne being long gone) first appeared in the closing film of phase 2 Ant-Man, I do think that Wasp will be around for a while. The Wasp would be the comic relief of phase 5, as was Guardians/Ant Man with phase 2 and presumably Guardians 2 with phase 3. 

    9. Black Panther 2

    Black Panther would finally receive his sequel following his solo flick in phase three, and following the story of The Client, I would predict be told in a mysterious way that yet again redefines the superhero movie all those years away. Hopefully, the rights to Storm would be negotiated (depending on what happens to Fox’s X-MEN franchise in 10-15 years time), and we’d get a brief history on Storm and Black Panther, only to jump back to the mysterious story of Black Panther in New York.

    10. Avengers: Masters of Evil

    Perhaps bringing the MCU to an end, the big bads of MCU past and present unite to fight the Avengers (maybe for one last time depending on the possibility of phase six), we’d see a few major villain deaths, as well as a few major hero deaths, and if this were to end the MCU, the Avengers would of course win, only to disband for the final time once their job is done and the universe is safe once more, possibly hinting towards the potential of a ‘reboot’/extension of the MCU, with the cliché shot of the Avengers looking out into the distance on top of a building. Oh, the feels.
    Frontrunners for Marvel phase 5: Spider-Woman, Nova, Adam Warlock, She Hulk and Black Panther, with additional heroes such as Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, The Defenders and more. 
    That’s all for now. 


    age of ultron, ant man, avengers, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, iron man, iron man 3, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, the winter soldier, thor the dark world

    Hello! So, we’ve just concluded the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s second phase with Ant-Man, and we’re set to begin phase three with Captain America: Serpent Society  Civil War, which will end with Inhumans, following the two part Infinity War and solo movies for Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Black Panther. I recently posted my MCU phase four predictions, check it out here. We began phase two with the unfortunately popular Iron Man 3, continued with Thor: The Dark World which saw Jane Foster go all magic and cray cray on us, we then got the huge Captain America: The Winter Soldier, only for that to be followed by yet an even bigger Guardians of the Galaxy, we were then introduced to Quicksilver (sob), Scarlet Witch and Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and concluded with Ant-Man and were introduced to Wasp too, but more on that in my next blog post.

    6. Iron Man 3

    I mean, the best part of the movie wasn’t any of the Tony Stark scenes, it was Pepper Potts going all badass on us. The film essentially screwed up Mandarin, this is one of those films I don’t really talk about, much like Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk. BUT YOU GO PEPPER YOU GO. 

    5. Thor: The Dark World

    I actually quite liked this movie, I liked what they did with Jane Foster, as well as what they did with Loki towards the end. It just doesn’t really stand out though, not in the grand scheme of things. Phase two had some really brilliant movies, and I guess you can’t expect every movie in the phase to be just as good as each other. 

    4. Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Now, I was a bit disappointed because both CA:WS and Guardians before AoU were amazingly good, but the film is pretty darn good. Vision and Scarlet Witch have instantly become favourites of mine, We didn’t see much of Thor in the movie, he was busy building up to Ragnarok, which I was actually okay with. The villain was cool, and the focus on Hawkeye and Black Widow was even better, however the backlash against the Black Widow development kind of killed it for me because it was so unnecessary and overwhelming. 😦

    3. Ant-Man

    Paul Rudd makes a surprisingly awesome superhero, and the supporting cast completely made the film. While the production for this film was troubled and complicated, the end result was comedic, inspiring and actually quite moving (Scott and Cassie). Peggy Carter’s surprise appearance at the beginning was awesome, and a great way to connect the film to the MCU from the off-start, as well as a nod towards a soon-to=be MCU hero that’s a web-swinger or something.

    2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    This was a difficult choice, because it deserves the top spot so much. The use of Black Widow was great, Falcon had a great introduction, and Bucky Barnes was a fantastic villain. This film redefined the superhero genre by not being an overt superhero movie, it was so much more than just a Marvel movie with a strong super, it was a thriller, it was a drama, it had the occasional comedy, it was a spy movie, and that’s why it completely deserved the critical acclaim that it received. 

    1. Guardians of the Galaxy 

    A truly eye-catching, visually stunning, cinematic masterpiece, Guardians of the Galaxy plays on the unexpected hero (as does every other film), but in a conventionally challenging way that blends surprisingly well with the Marvel universe. The villains are just as important, with Karen Gillan having a standout performance as Nebula, much different to her days as Amy Pond in Doctor Who. I teared up watching this film, seriously, because the cinematography inspired me and was simply so beautifully done that it really completes the film. 
    That’s all for now, check back on the 10th September for my predictions for the fifth phase of the MCU. 


    avengers, captain marvel, doctor strange, guardians of the galaxy, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, inhumans, jane foster, lady thor, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, phase 4, runaways, scarlet witch, she-hulk, spider-man, spiderman, vision
    Hello! So, we’re about to kick off phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: Civil War, featuring a huge amount of characters including, of course, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant Man, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Sharon Carter, and that’s just a few of the characters set to appear in the battle between Captain America and Iron Man because of the superhuman registration act. Following the huge Civil War, we get an array of films, these being Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Spider-Man, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War Part 2, ending with Inhumans. This all takes place from 2016 to 2019, that’s three years for a huge amount of MCU, which is rather exciting. The big bosses behind Marvel Studios have reportedly already planned out the MCU’s Phase Four and Phase Five, so I’m here to predict Phase Four of the MCU, check back for my Phase Five predictions in September. For a reminder, here’s the MCU so far. 

    1. Kicking off Phase Four… Doctor Strange 2

    Looking at the first Doctor Strange movie released soon starring Benedict Cumberbatch, it’s set to introduce the MCU into the wonderful world of magic. We’ve had tastes of it before, but it’s ambiguous, with Thor 2 essentially confusing the lines between magic and alien science. I imagine Doctor Strange (1) will be origin, the story arc I’d like to see for Doctor Strange 2 is The Oath, featuring Rosario Dawson’s Night Nurse (Daredevil). This would be a huge way to kick off Phase Four, featuring a hero that I presume will become an instant fan-favourite. 

    2. Captain Marvel 2 

    The first Captain Marvel film will be a huge blockbuster, being the first female led Marvel movie. This movie would hopefully feature Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan), perhaps even a cameo leading onto Ms Marvel’s appearance in other Marvel movies if she hasn’t appeared prior to Captain Marvel 2. I predict The Enemy Within as the story line, featuring Captain America (Sam Wilson or Bucky Barnes), Black Widow and Spider Woman (Jessica Drew). In fact, it could even be the Civil War of Phase Four (ALL THE CAST MEMBERS). P.s. I predict Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman will be huge parts of phase four, especially the big Avengers film.

    3. Runaways

    This film would be huge in that it teaches children to be brave and be heroes, Runaways: Pride and Joy is a story about the six children witnessing their evil parents (The Pride) murder a girl in a sacrificial ceremony. It’s basically a super dark children vs parents. A great message. Such fun.  

    4. She-Hulk

    She-Hulk is a snarky female character that isn’t defined by her sexuality or gender. Heck, she’s a top lawyer, and she’s green. I personally believe Marvel needs to redirect it’s messages and campaigning to include a younger female audience, and a green female superhero lawyer would be a great extension to the work done by Captain Marvel 1 and 2 to appeal to female fans. With all the hysteria about Black Widow’s marketing (or perhaps lack of), following the female led debut of Captain Marvel in Phase Three, I’d like to see a whole lot of feminism in Phase Four. 

    5. Spider-Man 2

    Ultimate Six? Anybody? It would seem silly for there not to be a sequel in phase four to Spider-Man’s solo film in phase three, considering just how marketable the hero is. Perhaps the most iconic of Marvel. Now, bringing in the story arc of Ultimate Six, and we get Spider-Man, the Avengers, and a few Spider-Man villains like Electro and Green Goblin. Perhaps with some cameos from She-Hulk, Thor (see 7) and a few other heroes, and you get the Ultimate Spider Man movie (hint hint, maybe?).

    6. Guardians of the Galaxy 3.0

    Expect this to be a definite thing, with the addition of the pre-established Captain Marvel and perhaps either Mantis, Angela, Moondragon or Adam Warlock. I would predict a story resembling War of Kings or Annihilation. Basically, I’m not sure if this is more of a predicted film or one of those “it’s definitely happening but they just haven’t confirmed it”. 

    7. Thor 4 (The New Age)

    Following the events of Ragnarok in Phase Three, Hemsworth’s Thor will ‘die’ after being killed by Jormungand’s poison. Jane Foster, or perhaps another woman if Natalie Portman doesn’t renew her contract, will pick up the hammer and become Thor. I’m actually really fond of ‘Lady Thor’, she’s a reassuring and appealing counterpart to Odinson, the character is all about finding strength which is admirable and could be portrayed really well in the MCU. The only issue is who would play her, considering it seems Natalie Portman isn’t likely to be returning (except for Ragnarok, potentially). I could see Lady Sif as the most likely candidate, heck even Maria Hill. However, it would be hilarious (and kind of badass) to see Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) weild “myeuh-muh”, I could see any three characters pulling it off. 

    8. Vision and The Scarlet Witch

    We had hints towards a relationship between the two towards the end of Age of Ultron, while I do predict Scarlet Witch to appear somehow in Doctor Strange, I also believe there will be considerable development of the two in Civil War and Infinity War, however, there is the challenge of The Vision and the ‘mind stone’. However, as we know, Scarlet witch can do a bit of reality warping. Perhaps even bringing back a certain hero who died in Age of Ultron despite the actor’s multi-contract deal??? In the comic books, Vision and Scarlet Witch married and had children (magically, of course), however their relationship ends tragically (on both parts). This film could either pass as a Scarlet Witch or Vision solo movie, taking either one of their names as the title but featuring the relationship to a certain degree, I would also predict the supporting cast to be the likes of Evangeline Lilly as Wasp, Krysten Ritter’s Jessica Jones, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye as well as cameos by Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and more. Basically, this is the Avengers 4 prequel so to speak. However, I could also see other movies taking this spot in the Phase Four timeline, such as The Wasp, Ant Man 2, Black Panther 2 or an introduction movie to a new hero. At the end of this film, I would predict a hint towards both 9 and 10 in the post-credits scene. (HINT SKRULL HINT)

    9. Inhumans 2

    This would be the perfect lead up to my predicted Avengers 4 movie, which will close Phase Four of the MCU. Inhumans 2 would be an extension of the pre-established Inhumans story both at the hands of it’s film and Agents of SHIELD, but also I would predict it to be a continuation of Guardians 3, especially if they went down the War of Kings route, possibly moving towards Realm of Kings. At the end of the film, I would say that any one member of the Inhumans team is revealed to be a Skrull prisoner, leading into…

    10. The Avengers: The Secret Invasion

    Oh yes. The Secret Invasion. Throughout Phase Four, hints would be made towards the Skrull, ultimately leading to the fourth (or fifth if you’re counting Infinity War Part 1 and 2 as two and not one). We would discover that heroes we have learnt to love are secretly Skrull. The new avengers team consisting of Captain Marvel, Captain America, Spider Woman, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Vision (maybe), Scarlet Witch (again, maybe), Doctor Strange, alongside the Inhumans and the Guardians (potentially), Lady Thor would pop along and help the Avengers. This film would close four phases of the MCU, leading into a completely fresh style of MCU movies in Phase Five, with the movies I have predicted possibly getting sequels but introducing more solo movies. 

    The front runners of MCU’s Phase Four

    That’s all for now, check back in September for my Phase Five predictions, meanwhile on the 26th August I’ll be uploading a list of some bizarre crossovers we all secretly want to see. 
    Thanks for reading!


    ant man, batman, black panther, captain marvel, dc, green arrow, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, iron man, marvel, ms marvel, robin, scarlet witch, spiderman, supergirl, superman, the flash, the wasp, wolverine, wonder woman

    Hello! Today I’m writing about Marvel and DC, more specifically Marvel and DC characters teaming up together and FIGHTING THE BAD GUYS WOOOAHHH.


    I previously did a blog post about Marvel VS DC, pitting two characters, one of each, against each other to see who’d win. Check that out here. MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER

    Anyway, let’s get started. (Warning: I really wasn’t that great at coming up with team names)

    1. Spider-man, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Superman and Wolverine as… THE FRONTRUNNERS

    Basically, as the appalling team name may suggest… These six heroes are a few of the core heroes of Marvel and DC. Just imagine the hard-core battling done between these guys and perhaps a villain team consisting of Doctor Doom, Dr Octopus, Magneto, Harley Quinn, The Joker and Lex Luthor.

    2. Ant Man, The Wasp, Atom and Shrinking Violet as… THE LITTLE ONES (I told you I was bad at thinking of team names)

    So little, so tiny, where the heck are they? I kid of course. I’m hilarious I know, please… stop applauding. Imagine a superhero team consisting of, well, four tiny people. It would actually work quite well.

    3. Black Panther, Iron Man, Green Arrow and Batman as… THE M TEAM (No seriously stop laughing at these team names)

    Imagine all the cool gadgets and super cool technology, just a few rich guys beating up some bad guys. All the equal opportunities. 

    4.  Kid Flash, H.E.R.B.I.E, Robin (Carrie Kelley)  and Lockheed as… THE SIDEKICKS (Again, don’t judge)

    This is something I’d like to see, the sidekicks come up and be the main heroes (despite the team name, oh my). Carrie Kelley is actually super cool, and with her rumoured appearance in Batman V Superman (although I truly doubt it’s truth), I’d see her as the frontrunner of the team. The others, they’re super awesomely cool as well.

    5. Scarlet Witch, Zatanna, Magik and Raven as… THE MAGICEISHAS (I’m rather proud of this team name actually)

    This would be one badass all-female magical superhero team, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN. NEEDS TO. Scarlet Witch is cray cray as the kids say, Zatanna is equally as cray, Magik is just cool and Raven is epic. ALL DA MAGIC.

    6. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Miss America (America Chavez), Supergirl, Wiccan, Miss Martian and Robin (Tim Drake) as… THE YOUTHFUL SIX

    I’m a huge fan of America Chavez and Kamala Khan, so I could perhaps see them as the leaders of this group. However, Supergirl and Robin are huge presences in not only the DC universe, but also in the general superhero universe. Ask anybody, and they’ll know who Supergirl and Robin are. So they would perhaps be the frontrunners as well. This team would be fantastic because it’s a bunch of young people proving themselves and truly making a difference and saving the world. Yolo, as the kids say.
    That’s all for now.
    See you next time for My July Soundtrack featuring Jack Garrett, Galantis, Sigma and Florence + The Machine.  