doctor who, Geek,, merchandise, vintage

Hello! I’m kind of obsessed with Etsy, and I get quite a lot of my phone cases/cushions/t-shirts from the store because it’s simply great. I’m going to list out 10 items from Etsy that are Doctor Who related, with links included.

1. TARDIS Bowtie 

Heck I’m wearing this when I get married.

2. TARDIS Poster

This would look so cool framed in a simplistic office. Hell yeah. 

3. We’re All Stories In The End Mug

I’d happily drink out of this.

4. Doctor Who Pint Glass

I’d also happily drink out of this.

5. Dalektabowl

The puns are real with this one.

6. Bowties Are Cool Throw Pillow

This would be the perfect addition to my ever-growing collection of pillows. 

7. Fourth Doctor Plushie

This is a fun little collectible, it looks like something a young Doctor Who fan would love.

8. Weeping Angel Converse

Every time somebody you don’t like blinks, you’re one step closer to kicking them in the face.

9. Eighth Doctor Minimalist Poster

Damn this is cool! I’d love to get all of the Doctors lined up next to each other, frame by frame. But, there’s something about this one that really catches my eye. 

10. Silence Will Fall Travel Mug

Imagine sitting on a train/walking into a lecture/being hip and cool with this travel mug. Just imagine.
There’s so much more to Etsy, I love browsing for Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Marvel, and DC stuff. The phone cases are fantastic and the quality from all the Etsy shops is great. 
That’s all.
Bye for now
Geek Culture and Me
“here in my blurry condition I hide myself in the room and just tell them all that it’s nothing”