My Most Anticipated Movies of 2016

2016, Batman V Superman, Captain America: Civil War, Dawn of Justice, doctor strange, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Finding Dory, Ghostbusters,, Me Before You, Moana, suicide squad

From Suicide Sqaud starring Margot Robbie and Jared Leto to Finding Dory starring Ellen Degeneres, here are my 10 must see movies of 2016, in order of anticipation.

Sorry for the late post, I’ve had this all prepared since December 20th but I forgot to schedule the post and I’ve been writing quite a bit recently so didn’t realise (oops). 

After such an exciting end to 2015 with Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Poe Dameron is my hero, just saying) not Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Roadchip, I felt even more excited for the upcoming films of 2016. It’s THE year of comic book movies with 7 Marvel and DC adaptions on their way, as well as a whole army of huge films on their way also. Let’s get started…

10. Moana

Moana seems to be a necessary addition to the Disney Princess franchise as the first Polynesian princess played by Auli’i Cravalho, a native Hawaiian herself. I really like the look of this film, the setting and story seems really impressive. Besides, I’m really hoping for a cameo or easter egg for Lilo and Stitch. 

9. Doctor Strange

When I heard that Benedict Cumberbatch had been cast as Doctor Strange I was a bit perplexed, admittedly. However, seeing photos from set and seeing official images (like above) has made me so very excited. I’m really looking forward to see how Marvel will make Doctor Strange work, and how it will fit into continuity. 

8. Me Before You

First impressions may make you think it’s just another ‘rom-com/drama’ but, while I haven’t read the book itself, the plot seems super interesting and the cast is superb with Daenerys Targaryen, Finnick Odair, Neville Longbottom and Clara Oswald, otherwise known as Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Matthew Lewis and Jenna Coleman respectively.

7. Ghostbusters

Goodness me, don’t get me started on those middle-aged white men complaining about how ‘Ghostbusters with women is so unnecessary WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER REBOOT’ while they lap up Jurassic World and the new Star Wars movie. I personally love the fact that we’re getting a new Ghostbusters movie, the cast is great; I mean, Kristen Wiig is awesome AND Chris Hemsworth is in an office-role?! See how you like that middle aged misogynists.

6. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

I mean, come on, it’s Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and possible Flash and Cyborg IN A HUGE MOVIE TOGETHER. Could this be any more exciting? (Chandler Bing style) DC are seriously going straight in with their movie universe, hitting out Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad (see later on in the post), it took Marvel ages to get some crossovers happening, if that’s a good thing or a bad thing for DC, we’ll find out when the movie comes out. 

5. Finding Dory

After 13 years, we’re finally getting the sequel to Finding Nemo and it’s all about our favourite blue fish Dory, voiced by Ellen Degeneres. I’m glad we’re getting a Dory-story, she was always the highlight of Finding Nemo for me so it’s nice to finally be getting some development on Dory. I can’t believe I’m saying this about a fish. 

4. Captain America: Civil War

Having read the Civil War comics, I was so so excited to finally get a Civil War movie. While perhaps on a smaller, but understandable, scale, the movie looks insane! I mean, Spider-Man AND Black Panther being introduced, Scarlet Witch VS Vision, Scarlet Witch FLYING/LEVITATING, Ant-Man, Iron Man VS Captain America, EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING. Nevermind the fact we might get a post-credits scene with Doctor Strange (maybe even Spider-Man, Wasp or Captain Marvel).

3. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Following the success of The Force Awakens, we’re getting another Star Wars movie this Christmas, however this time part of the Anthology series. While we don’t really know too much about Rogue One apart from the cast which features Felicity Jones and the story being somewhat about retrieving the plans of the first Death Star, I feel like my anticipation for this movie is because of how good The Force Awakens was. I’m so ready for more Star Wars in my life!

2. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

A recent trip to the Warner Bros Studio Tour reignited my excitement for Fantastic Beasts, which fortunately stars my favourite actor Eddie Redmayne. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing the Wizarding World come back to life and possibly start a ‘Wizarding Movie Universe’ of some kind. I love the look of this film, seeming slightly more spontaneous than the Harry Potter film series but still carrying the same feel and magical touch that we all fell in love with the first time.

Honourable mentions
Deadpool, Passengers, Alice Through The Looking Glass, The BFG, Inferno, The Jungle Book, X-Men: Apocalypse, Divergent: Allegiant, A Monster Calls, Zootopia, The Promise.

1. Suicide Squad

Anyone that knows me personally and speaks to me regularly will know just how excited I am for Suicide Squad. I speak about it daily. I’m ridiculously excited for Suicide Squad, the trailer was released during my 18th birthday and I genuinely stood in the garden watching it with one or two other people while everyone else was inside having fun. 

Every time I see this trailer, I squeal. Seriously. I do. Jared Leto’s take on The Joker looks so menacing and sinister. The cast itself is killer, with Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Cara Delevingne, Viola Davis, Jared Leto, Scott Eastwood, Ben Affleck and Karen Fukuhara to name just a few. My most highly anticipated character is, of course, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. Harley looks perfect, looking fun and energetic but equally as evil and bad as needed to faithfully depict such an iconic comic book villain. 
I’m extremely excited for Suicide Squad, and I’m interested to see what it does for comic book movies as a whole, being the first major villain-centric movie. The success of Suicide Squad could go either way, it could be a huge hit or it could go somewhat like 2015’s Fantastic Four and be panned by critics and audiences alike. However, whatever way it goes, I’m so ready to spend all my money on Suicide Squad merchandise (posters, Funko Pop figures, soundtracks, t-shirts, everything). 
That’s all for now. 
Thanks for reading!