5 Basic Halloween Costumes

david cameron, halloween, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, lads, madonna, mars, marvel, nasa, nigel farage, pig, piggate, sony, spider-man, spiderman
Halloween is round the corner, and it’s time to decide what costumes we’ll be wearing for parties, trick-or-treating (if you’re still into that???) and generally trying to scare people. Last year for Halloween I went to a party as a dead version of Arthur (the Aardvark). It was surprisingly well received (no seriously, somebody told me I was brave for wearing a bright yellow jumper… I’m not sure if that’s good or bad but I’ll take it). 
So, I thought I’d recommend 5 easy Halloween costumes for any last-minuters. 

1. Madonna, Post-Fall

All you need is:
– 1 (or more if you’re feeling brave) bruise(s) on your face
– 1 dodgy hip
– 1 walking stick
– 1 life threatening cape
– 1 microphone

2. The Guilty Tory 

All you need is:
– 1 fragile pig
– An obnoxious prime minister
– Pig ears
– 1 t-shirt with a sentence denying these ‘outrageous’ claims
– 1 pig tail
– 1 tonne of guilt
– 1 kg of ‘I was just an ordinary student’

3. Marvel Has Spider-Man

All you need is:
– 1 Spider-Man suit/Spider-Man hoodie (basing on whichever version you go for)
– The rights to affiliate Spider-Man with Marvel
– Sony’s web shooters

4. Water On Mars

All you need is:
– 1 mega morph suit (red/orange)
– 1 bottle of water
– 1 Mars bar
– The ability to breathe in the mega morph suit

5. The Cheeky Nando’s

All you need is:
– 1 lad/bigoted racist
– 1 ‘iced gem’ haircut (see here for reference)
– 1 Nando’s voucher
– 1 ‘Lads on tour’ t-shirt
– 1 tonne of banter
– 4 fellow lads full of banter and 8 sidechicks (each)

That’s all for now. 

Totally Culture