Where I Want To Travel

boston, copenhagan, denmark, Geek, germany, http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post, japan, manhattan, massachusetts, new york, student, tokyo, travel

I feel like travelling is going to be a huge part of my life, it’s what I want to do. How, I’m not sure.

But here’s where I’d like to go.

1. Tokyo, Japan

2. Manhattan, New York

3. Berlin, Germany

4. Boston, Massachusetts 

5. Copenhagan, Denmark

That’s all.
Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me

And So It Begins

doctor who, funko, Geek, student

Hello there!

I’m a 17 year old student that resides in Surrey, UK. In a few months, I’ll be leaving my sixth form college and, following a three month break, shall be headed to university to study English and Media. Following graduation, I plan to go into the wonderful world of media and work as a radio producer. Currently, I’m studying English Literature, Media Studies and Sociology, and I manage to incorporate my strange little geeky world into each and every subject, mostly Doctor Who. Somehow.

I believe that my obsession with the world of geek-related stuff, whether it is television, comics, film, or books, began like a considerable amount of other young boys and girls, with the Power Rangers. As a young boy, I collected figurines, and at one point could fill a large bucket to the top with PR toys. However, while being an avid viewer of Power Rangers, the obsession began with Power Rangers Ninja Force. I became obsessed with Tori, Blake and Hunter, while the other characters didn’t appeal as much. I recall the three characters becoming my all-time favourites, and I still remember them to this day. I had action figures of each character, and I remember having unique versions of Blake and Hunter in which the figures would transform from human being to a motorbike, and I always got frustrated at my inability to make it work. This is why I am so looking forward to the 2015/6 Power Rangers movie, and I shall write a blog soon about who I would like to see in the line-up. 

However, my main obsession, the queen to my king of geekiness, is Doctor Who. Funnily enough, despite my age, Christopher Eccleston wasn’t my first Doctor, it was in fact Peter Davison. I remember being shown an episode of Davison’s tenure, and becoming obsessed, however I had nothing to go with as Doctor Who had been cancelled by then, following the lack of success of the television movie back in 1998. A year later, Doctor Who returned with Eccleston and Billie Piper, I was obsessed. I had all the action figures, and would tune in weekly to see the adventures of Nine and Rose Tyler. Then came David Tennant, he was cool. Then Rose left, and I didn’t know what to do, she was my first proper companion, I was distraught. Goodbye Bad Wolf, hello Martha Jones. Freema Agyeman is a superb actress, and I adored Martha very much, I would become very annoyed at people who hated Martha because they were infatuated with Rose, and for that reason alone. This still happens nowadays, I’m always unsure of what to say when people complain about Martha because of Rose, nope nope nope. Then Donna, oh Donna Noble. Donna went and forgot, leaving Tennant to regenerate into my favourite Doctor of all time, Matt Smith. I adored Matt Smith, his unique characterisation and I felt like I could connect to him the most. Amy and Rory soon became some of my favourite companions, and I must admit, I have never cried so much in my life than when Amy and Rory died. However, Clara Oswald came and became my favourite companion, ever. I adore Jenna Coleman and adore her character, I love, love, love, love, love Clara Oswald. Unfortunately, I’m not too fond of Peter Capaldi, however I shall give him another series to tell. 

My favourite Doctors (top 5)
1. Matt Smith
2. Peter Davison
3. David Tennant
4. Paul McGann
5. Jon Pertwee

My favourite companions (top 5)
1. Clara Oswald
2. Jo Grant
3. Amy and Rory (I couldn’t separate them!)
4. Martha Jones
5. Ace 

In the following weeks/months/centuries I’ll be posting some little blogs about my wonderful collection of paraphernalia I magically contain in my room/home. My current obsession, which I predict will continue for a while, are Funko Pop! Vinyl Figures, I currently have 15 and adore them dearly.

My collection of Pop!’s started a year or two ago, I was browsing in HMV and came across the Adventure Time section. My heart rate increased, being the strange person I am, and having the sufficient funds, I picked up a strange looking box. Inside, was a neat Pop! figure of Finn the Human, with bulbous black eyes and quirky features. I fell in love. As I approached the cashier, whilst also carrying other things like a Keeping Up Appearances boxset (good old Hyacinth Bucket) and Modern Family seasons 1 – 3, I wasn’t certain if I would continue collecting these. Albeit, I did. My collection then progressed, as I purchased a Sheldon Cooper (TBBT) Pop!, and then a Leonard Hoffstader (TBBT) , Superman (Man of Steel), Penny (TBBT), and so on. I currently have as follows:
– Finn the Human
– Sheldon Cooper
– Leonard Hoffstader
– Superman
– Penny
– Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz
– Maleficent (from the movie of the same title)
– Carl (Despicable Me)
– Goofy
– Donald Duck
– Groot (Loot Crate exclusive)
– Robin (Teen Titans)
– Spiderman (The Amazing Spider-Man)
– Loki
– Harley Quinn

Baring in mind, I received Bernadette, Maleficent, Carl, Donald Duck, Goofy as presents, and Groot from Loot Crate, it wasn’t that costly, despite what others have told me. Additionally, I purchased Robin, Spiderman, Loki and Harley Quinn at the MCM London Comic Con October 2014, so I was able to get them for cheaper than usual.

More to follow. See you soon.


Geek Culture and Me