Suicide Squad Trailer Highlights

batman, harley quinn,, jared leto, joker, margot robbie, suicide squad

The new Suicide Squad trailer is out! My most anticipated movie of 2016 and it looks AMAZING! 

Here are 11 highlights from the brand new Suicide Squad trailer, along with the brand new posters released this week.

1. Harley sips her tea

While Cap. Boomerang rages in the distance in his cell, Harley Quinn sips a petite cup of tea as if she’s just completely sassed out some guards Kermit the Frog style.

2. Boomerang breaks free

Jai Courtney’s (Captain) Boomerang was a surprise highlight in this trailer, and in true Aussie fashion (sorry) he breaks out and just… punches a few people in a truly awesome and comedic manner.

3. Harley’s voices

What else is there to say? Crazy Harley in full force.

4. Action!

Finally, we get some badass action!

5. Joker in full force

Looking as original and maniacal as ever, The Joker looks to be the villain in the film. 

6. Enchantress has some fun

“Let’s do something fun” Enchantress says to what appears to be Amanda Waller. Enchantress actually looks pretty impressive and badass. Boomerang’s expression is what makes this. This looks like a scene where Enchantress finally gets recruited into the Squad, perhaps being a secondary antagonist before the finale.

7. Boomerang has a drink

Boomerang is me whenever there’s ‘beef’ at a social gathering. Just have a drink and hide.

8. More action!

Katana, Harley and a rogue helicopter. What more could you ask for?

9. Diablo lets loose 

I wasn’t really too bothered about Diablo but this instantly changed my mind. 

10. Joker creates Harley

Harley Quinn origin story, anyone?

11. Harley steals a purse

In typical Harley fashion, “we’re bad guys, it’s what we do”. 
Captain Boomerang, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Katana and Joker character posters.
The newly-released Suicide Squad poster.

Rick Flag, Deadshot, El Diablo, Slipknot, and Killer Croc character posters.

Full cast poster.

How many people are going to whine about Harley Quinn not having her traditional accent or animated series costume before they realise that an over-exaggerated Brooklyn accent and a ‘harlequin costume’ wouldn’t work AT ALL in a live-action movie?


aquaman, black widow, cinematic universe, comic books, crossover, dc, film, harley quinn,, jubilee, marvel, ms marvel, poison ivy, quicksilver, robin, squirrel girl, the flash, wonder woman
Hello! So for today’s post, I’m venturing into the fun yet often controversial world of Marvel VS DC. I’ll be putting one Marvel character and one DC character together for my ideal crossover. These are things I’d like to see happen in comic books, TV series or films, even though perhaps they’re all 99% unlikely. Sigh. 

1. Harley Quinn VS Black Widow
Just imagine Scarlett Johansson dealing with Harley’s mischievously evil acts. She’s so done. She can’t even right now. Perhaps a fight worth seeing. Also, how cool would it be to see Margot Robbie’s Harley face up to Johansson’s badass Natasha. I actually cannot decide who would have the utmost dominance in this fight, however I must admit the winner would most likely be Black Widow. 
2. Jubilee VS Robin
The battle of the… cute? I kid, Jubilee is badass and Robin is rather epic in fine detail (Nightwing tho, but I couldn’t put Jubilee against Nightwing, heck no). While Robin is pretty darn cool, even for a brightly coloured sidekick, Jubilee would storm this battle. You go Jubilee. Do yo’ thang.
3. Ms. Marvel VS Wonder Woman
The battle of the powerhouses, am I right or am I right? While it’s pretty darn obvious Wonder Woman would annihilate, Ms. Marvel would put up a good fight. I could perhaps see them both conflicting, and working together.
4. Squirrel Girl (no seriously) VS Aquaman (I’m being serious)
While Aquaman is talking to some fish and being a general underrated epic hero, Squirrel Girl is talking to squirrels whilst defeating Thanos, Deadpool and Wolverine. Squirrel Girl would destroy Aquaman, slay Squirrel Girl slay. Also, they’re both pretty epic, and totally just cool heroes despite what readers and those occasional nasty comic book fans might say.

5. Storm VS Poison Ivy

A slightly weird one, on the basis that they’re so different that it perhaps sheds light on a relatively frustrating struggle for both Storm and Poison Ivy. While I would say Storm would win this fight, Poison Ivy would put up a good fight and really challenge the X-Men front runner. Imagine all the plants and lightning, oh the cinematography is begging for it.
6. The Flash VS Quicksilver (MCU) VS Quicksilver (Fox)
A three way fight, I would perhaps assume Quicksilver of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be the first to go, quickly followed by Quicksilver of Fox’s X-Men franchise, leaving The Flash victorious, being a generally better superhero of the two. All that speed tho. It’s too much.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’ll be posting a follow up to this post in a month or so with my ideal Marvel & DC team-ups. Next week expect a post about YouTube, weighing up the pros and cons, so be sure to check in for that post. It’s a tad interesting. 
Bye for now. 


age of ultron, ant man, avengers, batman vs superman, beyoncé, cara delevingne, doctor who, feminism, gambit, harley quinn,, maisie williams, masculinity, suicide squad
Before I start, here are a few pictures to create some hype.
Hello! Yes, I’m back. Bit of a change around here, Geek Culture and Me is now Totally Geek. I thought I’d change it around and has a hypothetical ‘rebranding’ of the blog. I noticed that I was writing more about things that weren’t essentially ‘geeky’, don’t fret – I’ll still be doing some super crazy posts about all things geeky, like Suicide Squad (HOW COOL DO MARGOT ROBBIE AND JARED LETO LOOK AS HARLEY QUINN AND THE JOKER WOAH) and Doctor Who (MAISIE WILLIAMS IN DOCTOR WHO WHAT WHAT WHAT). Basically, I’ve been away for a few months to focus on my exams, and this morning I finished my last exam Sociology (I had two Sociology exams, and just for reference I also took English Lit and Media). It seems that actually I have missed blogging, just because it’s a place for me to be myself in what seems to be a really idealised, constructed society (lol jk I’m just introverted). My gap year has begun, and with this comes more blog posts, some exciting prospects, and some fun travelling (as well as re-applying to University because I withdrew my application).

Anyway, during the ‘intense’ revision period which mainly consisted of binge-watching TV shows, my bad, I found myself really immersed into music, I found that my guilty pleasures won’t really guilty pleasures, they were perhaps just pleasures. I must admit, and it is sad for me to do so, but I feel that there is a kind of social consensus that a (excuse me for being controversial here) white, straight, 17 year old cannot listen to certaint types of music without being laughed at. I mean, heck, screw that. If I want to listen to Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, or listen to Hillsong and songs from musicals, I’m going to do that because we shouldn’t let ourselves be defined by what seems to be this concept of ‘you’re not a man if you don’t behave like a man’, perhaps relating to Tony Porter’s ‘man box’, in which a man is expected to ‘not cry openly or express emotion – except anger’, ‘not express weakness or fear’, ‘be aggressive’, ‘heterosexual’, ‘views women as property/objects’. I find myself in this position, asking why a straight guy can’t listen to a truly respectable artist like Beyoncé, in the fear of being called ‘gay’, why is there this preconception that a straight guy cannot listen to music? I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to be myself and admit that sometimes, I like to listen to the Les Misérables soundtrack, but also admit that sometimes I like to watch action films and be immersed in the oh so ‘manly’ culture. When/If I marry in the very far future, I truly hope that my wife appreciates a quick dance to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off like I do, there’s nothing wrong with being yourself and the fact that people’s association with such forms of entertainment being negative saddens me, even when reflecting on personal experience. I’ve noticed that with celebrity males, being straight and listening to Beyoncé etc is perfectly fine, however being an ordinary male, being straight and listening to Beyoncé results in people sniggering at you and thinking ‘is he sure?’. That’s sad, that’s depressing. Our society takes pride in taking interest in other people’s personal lives, and with this new wave of feminism that I totally support, which again is a kind of taboo with straight men (I know of only three other friends of mine who can openly admit they support feminism without the fear of being called ‘gay’), it still seems like there’s a division in gender, and a division in character. I believe in a future where a straight male like myself can listen to certain music without being laughed at because it’s ‘gay’ and ‘feminine’, I believe in a future where a straight woman gets a short haircut without being labelled a ‘lesbian’. I believe in a future where genders are treated equally, and we don’t have to hide behind a false mask in order to avoid being falsely labelled, because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being labelled as ‘gay’, ‘feminine’, ‘lesbian’ or ‘butch’, but it would be just as nice to be labelled as something true, to be labelled as ourselves. Self-identification is the future, not peer-identification. 
Anyway, rant over. I thought I’d continue with some fanboyish moments. 
How great was Avengers: Age of Ultron? I got to see it with a group of good friends for free because one of them worked at the cinema, and I found myself so involved in the film. So good! How great is Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch? Why did REVLISKCIUQ (SPOILERS read that backwards, unless you want to avoid spoilers) have to die?!?!?!?! The Vision is my new idol. 
Suicide Squad set pictures are fantastic, and the fan-art is just as good. How cool is this fan-art of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, it’s absolutely poster worthy! Interestingly, no set photos of Cara Dele-whatshername apart from the odd rare (one of her fully covered to avoid costume leak). I’m starting to wonder just what role The Enchantress will play in the DCU film. I think I’m more excited about Suicide Squad than Ant-Man and Batman V Superman, not really too hyped about such films like Gambit though, you get me? 
In the next few days/weeks, I’ll be back in full force, posting reviews on the new Florence album, doing top 10 lists of live performances and songs from musicals but to name a few. I look forward to start blogging again. It’s fairly exciting! 
Thanks for reading, be sure to check out all my fancy little social media sites. Feel free to subscribe by email to be notified whenever a new blog post comes out! 


aquaman, dc, doctor who, fantastic four, Geek, grease, harley quinn, harry potter,, spiderman, the joker, the mindy project, valentine's day

It’s Valentine’s Day! Hurrah!
*sits in bed eating food whilst watching Friends*
To celebrate this glorious day of love (note sarcasm), I thought I’d write a post about my favourite couples from a range of TV, films, and comics.

1. Of course, Harley Quinn and The Joker – DC/Batman

2. Monica and Chandler – Friends

3. Amy and Rory – Doctor Who

4. Reed Richards and Sue Storm – Fantastic Four

5. Molly and Arthur Weasley – Harry Potter

6. Aquaman and Mera – DC Comics

7. Eleventh Doctor and River Song – Doctor Who

8. Sandy and Danny – Grease

9. Mindy and Danny – The Mindy Project

10. Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy – Spiderman/Marvel/Sony

Honorary Mentions
Virginia and Leonard Woolf – The Hours
Phoebe and Mike – Friends
Amy and Sheldon – The Big Bang Theory
Cam and Mitchell – Modern Family
Batman and Catwoman
This is too much love for a 17 year old to handle, I’m going back to watching Friends. 
That’s all.
Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me


catwoman, doctor doom, harley quinn,, loki, marvel, nebula, poison ivy, supervillains, thanos, the joker, the riddler, ultron


Who are my top 10 supervillains? Check them out here.

1. Harley Quinn 

2. Nebula 

3. Loki 

4. Thanos 

5. Poison Ivy 

6. Doctor Doom 

7. The Joker 

8. The Riddler 

9. Ultron 

10. Catwoman 

Honorary mentions
Lex Luthor
Granny Goodness
The Green Goblin 

That’s all.

Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

black widow, captain america, doctor who, harley quinn,, jenna coleman, Les Misérables, loki, lorde, meryl streep, poison ivy, scarlet witch, the flash, the hours

*goes off singing Sound of Music*

HELLO THERE! Hola, Bonjour, hello in all the languages.

In this post I’ll be talking about some of my favourite things. Hurrah!

Excuse the awkwardness. 

I’ve got some of my favourites on the About Me page (check it out), but they’re a bit exhaustive and long, so I thought I’d write about my favourites on a post with some extras as well. 
1. Favourite TV Show
It has to be Doctor Who, I mean, how brilliant is the show? 51 years of pure gold. I can’t contain my excitement. My general excitement. I just love that show. 
“But it’s just a kid’s show!” 
No no no no no, it’s not. It’s not just a programme for children, it’s a universal programme targeted for all ages. Do you really think they would kill off companions and have terrifying aliens like the Weeping Angels if it was merely a children’s show. Nope. You go Doctor Who, you go do your thing. I JUST REALLY LOVE DOCTOR WHO. But what is it about Doctor Who? It’s the story, a time lord that saves planets for no reason but because he wants to, companions that remind you that everybody is important, even if they don’t believe it (Donna Noble, Rose Tyler). The fairytale entwined in a sci-fi show, what’s not to love?
Favourite Doctor: Matt Smith (followed by Peter Davison)
Favourite Companion: Clara Oswald (followed by Jo Grant and Martha Jones)
p.s. I’m still mourning the loss of Osgood, 11th Doctor and Amy and Rory
2. Favourite Film
The Hours, featuring Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, and Julianne Moore. The stories of Virginia Woolf (also my favourite author), Laura Brown and Clarissa Vaughan play throughout the film, and come together in a beautiful and moving way towards the end of the film, it’s kind of like Love Actually, but better and more intense. Here’s the trailer: 

3. Favourite Superheroes

So many to choose from! For me, it’s The Flash which is ironic because any form of physical activity (running) is something I tend to stay away from, although I am quite fond of going on night time walks. The Flash is closely followed by Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Captain America, Spiderman and Scarlet Witch. All of which are set to appear on screen in the next couple of years *fanboy overload*. 
4. Favourite Supervillains
5. Favourite Hero
This category is a bit loose, with some ‘agents’ from Marvel, as well as other forms of media. My favourite hero is probably Black Widow, the only reason I didn’t put her in ‘favourite superhero’ is because I don’t really see her as a superhero. I also love James Bond, Katniss Everdeen, Finnick Odair, Hermione and Ron, Hans Solo, Hawkeye, and John McClane. 
6. Favourite Musician
Lorde. Florence + the Machine. Bombay Bicycle Club. HAIM. Foals. Marina and the Diamonds. Lana Del Rey. Josh Record. Ellie Goulding. Fall Out Boy. Hillsong Young & Free (and Hillsong United). Hurts. The Killers. London Grammar. Smallpools. The Royal Concept. Saint Raymond.
LORDE LORDE LORDE LORDE LORDE. Here’s my favourite Lorde song. 
7. Favourite Musical
I’m a self confessed musical fanboy. I accept that. My favourite has to be Les Misérables, followed by Rent, The Lion King, and Wicked. I know all the words to Les Mis, and I often find myself humming along to One Day More or Do You Hear the People Sing, daily. If anything happens at sixth form that isn’t good, or is a disadvantage for the students, I’m usually the first to suggest we march through the building singing Do You Hear the People Sing. I have no shame. My school performed it when I was in Year 7 and I had a 2 line solo, I’m basically a professional.
(they lowered my mic so I lost my solo as everyone sang over it, so I only really had a microphone)

8. Favourite Song
Surprisingly, it’s not a Lorde song. It’s a HAIM song, Let Me Go. The live performances of this song complete my life, no really, they do. Danielle, Alana and Este are brilliant, just brilliant. Some of my other favourite songs are Florence + the Machine’s Never Let Me Go, Philip Philips’ Gone Gone Gone, Lykke Li’s No Rest For The Wicked, The Killers’ The Way It Was, Bombay Bicycle Club’s Carry Me and Ellie Goulding’s Explosions.

My favourite colour – Blue 
My favourite season – Winter
My favourite actor – Matt Smith
My favourite actress – Meryl Streep
My favourite comedians – Jon Richardson, Sarah Millican, and Jimmy Carr.
My favourite cartoon – Adventure Time/Spongebob

That’s all.
Bye for now!
Geek Culture and Me

Superhero Fanboying

avengers, batman vs superman, cara delevingne, dc, doctor strange, fox, Geek, harley quinn,, human torch, jared leto, mantis, marvel, poison ivy, sue storm, suicide squad

Hi there! So, I’ve been away for quite a while, trying to figure out my ‘future’, and have decided that I’ll be taking a year off before venturing into the wonderful world of University. I haven’t had the opportunity to wish you all a happy new year! So here….

That’s enough for now. 

I just wanted to write about a few brilliant things… 
aka Fantastic Four, Marvel, DC, and ALL THE THINGS.

        whaaaaaaaaattttt! Take a look at the trailer below!
I mean, DAMN! DAMN DAMN DAMN! I admit, I wasn’t hyped before, but since the release of the costume artwork it has been increasingly growing in my mind. And then, all of a sudden, oh here’s a trailer. Thanks Fox. Thank you very much. 

Good old Miles Teller, good old Kate Mara, good old Michael B. Jordan, good old … wait. Michael B. Jordan? Really? Yes. It doesn’t matter. I’m stunned that people find it confusing and incomprehensible that MBJ is playing the Human Torch. The industry is developing, and things need to change. I understand that people aren’t too fond of this because of the comics, but it’s time for change. Additionally, sadly we live in a society where if we’re not politically correct we’re an abomination. I feel like Fox had to have MBJ, just for political correctness. Although, thinking about it, the whole ‘adopted’ sibling thing between Sue and Johnny is going to be great for the narrative. So, for me, it’s not an issue. You go Fox, do your thing (and then give Fantastic Four back to Marvel, but that’s something for another time). 
(shoutout to Jamie Bell as well)

Margot Robbie. That is all. 
A nice little fan made MR as Harley Quinn

I’m so pumped for this movie, even more than Avengers: AoU and Batman VS Superman. 2016 hurry up please!! I mean seriously, the fanboy within is hulking out because of this film. I cannot wait to see Robbie as Harley Quinn, and Jared Leto as the Joker. I’m even looking forward to seeing Cara Delevingne as The Enchantress. Will Smith, well, let’s not talk about that. 

But, do you know who I would really like to see…
Of course, Poison Ivy

I mean come on. Poison Ivy! DC/WB are still casting and adding more characters to the movie, perhaps even a cameo from Poison Ivy would be sufficient. But, considering Harley Quinn is in the film, can we really not have Poison Ivy. 

Actresses that could play her? Even for a cameo to set up for a larger appearance in a Batman film? Well…

– Emily Blunt
– Amanda Seyfried
– Rachel Weisz 
– Rachel McAdams
– Tom Hardy

*insert fanboy typing here* kjrencdmzkvcmwes
My first question…. why no Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow Funko Pop! figures? What the heck. Perhaps wave 2? I don’t know. But it seems strange that Paul Bettany’s The Vision got a Pop when the character has had no promotion for the film whatsoever. 
Anyway…. I’m so ready for this film (not as much as Suicide Squad but still). I’m mostly looking forward to Black Widow’s backstory. 

I’m also excited for the twins, played by Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson (aka that Godzilla couple) 
There’s talk of some other superheroes having a few seconds/minutes of screen-time in the film. Cumberbatch’s Dr Strange for one, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, Jessica Jones, Ant Man, and of course, the recently heavily rumoured Mantis. Some have claimed Claudia Kim (otherwise known as Kim Soo Hyun), will be playing Mantis, Kim is featured in the party scene, although only subliminally. Why the secrecy? I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudia Kim was to play Mantis. 
However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudia was unveiled as Mantis towards the end of the movie, or in a post-credits scene. Although, Mantis’ biography is extensive and fits with many characters in the film. Mantis battles Ultron, has a thing for the Vision, and gets abducted alongside Scarlet Witch by Kang (not in the movie but still). Mantis is an expert in martial arts, and when she reaches adulthood has her mind wiped and is exiled to Earth to gain life experience (hence why she could be working for Tony Stark in AoU). Towards the end of the film…. “oh I’ve got my memory back and I’m a superhero”. Mantis also battled Thanos, hint hint. She’s also a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, possibly setting up a connection between the Avengers and Guardians for the second GotG movie. To summarise, I really hope she’s in this movie. Basically. Yeah.

That’s all. 
Bye for now
Geek Culture and Me