ant man, batman, black panther, captain marvel, dc, green arrow,, iron man, marvel, ms marvel, robin, scarlet witch, spiderman, supergirl, superman, the flash, the wasp, wolverine, wonder woman

Hello! Today I’m writing about Marvel and DC, more specifically Marvel and DC characters teaming up together and FIGHTING THE BAD GUYS WOOOAHHH.


I previously did a blog post about Marvel VS DC, pitting two characters, one of each, against each other to see who’d win. Check that out here. MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER

Anyway, let’s get started. (Warning: I really wasn’t that great at coming up with team names)

1. Spider-man, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Superman and Wolverine as… THE FRONTRUNNERS

Basically, as the appalling team name may suggest… These six heroes are a few of the core heroes of Marvel and DC. Just imagine the hard-core battling done between these guys and perhaps a villain team consisting of Doctor Doom, Dr Octopus, Magneto, Harley Quinn, The Joker and Lex Luthor.

2. Ant Man, The Wasp, Atom and Shrinking Violet as… THE LITTLE ONES (I told you I was bad at thinking of team names)

So little, so tiny, where the heck are they? I kid of course. I’m hilarious I know, please… stop applauding. Imagine a superhero team consisting of, well, four tiny people. It would actually work quite well.

3. Black Panther, Iron Man, Green Arrow and Batman as… THE M TEAM (No seriously stop laughing at these team names)

Imagine all the cool gadgets and super cool technology, just a few rich guys beating up some bad guys. All the equal opportunities. 

4.  Kid Flash, H.E.R.B.I.E, Robin (Carrie Kelley)  and Lockheed as… THE SIDEKICKS (Again, don’t judge)

This is something I’d like to see, the sidekicks come up and be the main heroes (despite the team name, oh my). Carrie Kelley is actually super cool, and with her rumoured appearance in Batman V Superman (although I truly doubt it’s truth), I’d see her as the frontrunner of the team. The others, they’re super awesomely cool as well.

5. Scarlet Witch, Zatanna, Magik and Raven as… THE MAGICEISHAS (I’m rather proud of this team name actually)

This would be one badass all-female magical superhero team, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN. NEEDS TO. Scarlet Witch is cray cray as the kids say, Zatanna is equally as cray, Magik is just cool and Raven is epic. ALL DA MAGIC.

6. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Miss America (America Chavez), Supergirl, Wiccan, Miss Martian and Robin (Tim Drake) as… THE YOUTHFUL SIX

I’m a huge fan of America Chavez and Kamala Khan, so I could perhaps see them as the leaders of this group. However, Supergirl and Robin are huge presences in not only the DC universe, but also in the general superhero universe. Ask anybody, and they’ll know who Supergirl and Robin are. So they would perhaps be the frontrunners as well. This team would be fantastic because it’s a bunch of young people proving themselves and truly making a difference and saving the world. Yolo, as the kids say.
That’s all for now.
See you next time for My July Soundtrack featuring Jack Garrett, Galantis, Sigma and Florence + The Machine.  


aquaman, black widow, cinematic universe, comic books, crossover, dc, film, harley quinn,, jubilee, marvel, ms marvel, poison ivy, quicksilver, robin, squirrel girl, the flash, wonder woman
Hello! So for today’s post, I’m venturing into the fun yet often controversial world of Marvel VS DC. I’ll be putting one Marvel character and one DC character together for my ideal crossover. These are things I’d like to see happen in comic books, TV series or films, even though perhaps they’re all 99% unlikely. Sigh. 

1. Harley Quinn VS Black Widow
Just imagine Scarlett Johansson dealing with Harley’s mischievously evil acts. She’s so done. She can’t even right now. Perhaps a fight worth seeing. Also, how cool would it be to see Margot Robbie’s Harley face up to Johansson’s badass Natasha. I actually cannot decide who would have the utmost dominance in this fight, however I must admit the winner would most likely be Black Widow. 
2. Jubilee VS Robin
The battle of the… cute? I kid, Jubilee is badass and Robin is rather epic in fine detail (Nightwing tho, but I couldn’t put Jubilee against Nightwing, heck no). While Robin is pretty darn cool, even for a brightly coloured sidekick, Jubilee would storm this battle. You go Jubilee. Do yo’ thang.
3. Ms. Marvel VS Wonder Woman
The battle of the powerhouses, am I right or am I right? While it’s pretty darn obvious Wonder Woman would annihilate, Ms. Marvel would put up a good fight. I could perhaps see them both conflicting, and working together.
4. Squirrel Girl (no seriously) VS Aquaman (I’m being serious)
While Aquaman is talking to some fish and being a general underrated epic hero, Squirrel Girl is talking to squirrels whilst defeating Thanos, Deadpool and Wolverine. Squirrel Girl would destroy Aquaman, slay Squirrel Girl slay. Also, they’re both pretty epic, and totally just cool heroes despite what readers and those occasional nasty comic book fans might say.

5. Storm VS Poison Ivy

A slightly weird one, on the basis that they’re so different that it perhaps sheds light on a relatively frustrating struggle for both Storm and Poison Ivy. While I would say Storm would win this fight, Poison Ivy would put up a good fight and really challenge the X-Men front runner. Imagine all the plants and lightning, oh the cinematography is begging for it.
6. The Flash VS Quicksilver (MCU) VS Quicksilver (Fox)
A three way fight, I would perhaps assume Quicksilver of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be the first to go, quickly followed by Quicksilver of Fox’s X-Men franchise, leaving The Flash victorious, being a generally better superhero of the two. All that speed tho. It’s too much.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’ll be posting a follow up to this post in a month or so with my ideal Marvel & DC team-ups. Next week expect a post about YouTube, weighing up the pros and cons, so be sure to check in for that post. It’s a tad interesting. 
Bye for now. 


batman, black panther, captain america, captain marvel, dc, doctor strange, gamora,, hulk, iron man, mantis, marvel, scarlet witch, spiderman, star lord, superman, the flash, thor, wonder woman

Hey there! Here are my top 10 superheroes, all my own opinion.

1. The Flash

2. Captain Marvel 

3. Captain America 

4. Spiderman 

5. Scarlet Witch

6. Star Lord 

7. Batman 

8. Thor 

9. Superman 

10. Storm 

Honorary mentions
Iron Man
Doctor Strange
Wonder Woman
Black Panther

That’s all.

Bye for now.

Geek Culture and Me